- Be ware of falling into their trap. 当心中了他们的计。
- cameo ware 浮雕器皿
- The shop sells a great variety of porcelain ware. 这家店铺出售品种繁多的瓷器。
- Our store is the biggest dealer in Cloisonne ware here. 本店是此地最大的景泰蓝销售店。
- Her cameo broach adds to her romantic look. 她的宝石别针更为她增添了浪漫的感觉。
- Now displays the upgrade cameo for drone armor. 升级装甲之后会在单位上显示出来。
- Now displays upgrade cameo for control rods. 将会显示控制类型的图标。
- Now displays upgrade cameo for supply lines. 将会显示空投时间的图标。
- Cups, bowls and pots are typical hollow ware. 杯子、碗和壶都是典型的凹形器皿。
- When I do not know shutting down ware. 我不知道什么时候关机器。
- That little girl is wearing a cameo brooch. 那小女孩戴着一枚浮雕宝石胸针。
- There is a cameo appearance by the sea serpent. 电影里,海蛇偶然出现。
- Patrick Swayze also makes a 10)cameo in the sequel. 帕特里克%2526%238226;斯韦兹也在续集中客串了一个小角色。
- The pupils ware dismissed from school. 学生们放学了。
- Sound your horn to ware other drivers. 揿响喇叭提醒其他司机。
- Good ware will never want a chapman. 好货不须叫卖。
- This hall exhibits jade ware and ceramics. 这个馆陈列的是玉器和陶器。
- I do not know when to shut down ware. 我不知道什么时候关机器。
- Our market niche is women who ware larger sizes. 我们的市场定位是为那些穿大尺码的女士生产服装。
- Sanhsia is famous for its fictile ware. 三峡以陶器闻名。