- Remote gravel desert, boundless sands, long camel team and the sounds of bells.Camel team, where are you going? Camel bell, Whom you are singing for? 悠悠戈壁,漫漫黄沙,驼队长长,驼铃声声。驼队啊驼队,你到哪里去?驼铃啊驼铃,你为谁在鸣?
- Forgiveness is April willow, Turns the gentle scenery in the tolerant forgiveness vision, In difficult life little thirsty camel bell. 谅解是四月的杨柳,在宽容谅解的目光里变成平和的风景,在艰苦的人生中将少许干渴驼铃。
- In the author's pen, metamorphosed into a bustling metropolis of the desert Camel Bells jingle and the sound of the tiger infested jungle during the green. 在作者笔下,繁华的大都市幻化成了有驼铃叮当作响的大沙漠和有老虎出没其间的绿色丛林。
- The church bell tolled the hour. 教堂的鸣钟报时。
- A camel fleet to carry me to my native place. 木兰不用尚书郎,愿借千里足,送儿还故乡。
- The bell tower is the emblem of this city. 这座钟楼是这个城市的象征。
- There is a sonorous bell in the tower. 塔里有一口洪亮的钟。
- John bears the bell in all track events at school. 约翰在学校里的各个径赛项目中都赢得第一名。
- The camel is a herbivorous animal. 骆驼是一种食草动物。
- Marvin Bell is greatly valued as a good poet. 马文·贝尔被尊为一位优秀的诗人。
- The last straw breaks the camel's back. 最後一根稻草压断骆驼的背。
- The bell gave forth a peasant, lingering sound. 钟奏起了悠扬悦耳的曲调。
- A pull on the rope will make the bell ring. 一拉绳子钟就响。
- A bell rung as a call to recite this prayer. 天使经钟用来号召进行这种祈祷的钟声
- No one may leave the classroom until the bell goes. 铃响以前任何人均不得离开教室。
- I was roused by the sound of the bell this morning. 今天早晨,我被铃声唤醒。
- The bell, when struck, gave forth a hollow sound. 敲这钟时发出一种闷哑的声音。
- His name rings a bell; perhaps we've met somewhere. 他的名字听起来耳熟,也许我们在什麽地方见过面。
- A light bell that can be sounded by the wind. 风铃可靠风来发出声音的轻铃