- Neither value is changed in the calling program. 调用程序中的两个值都未更改。
- Control does not return to the calling program until an. 语句之前,控制不会返回调用程序。
- A parameter passed between a calling and a called program. 在调用程序和被调用程序之间传送的参数。
- This procedure is called program documentation. 这个过程叫做程序文件。
- Any changes that take place in the method will affect the original variables in the calling program. 方法内发生的任何更改都会影响调用程序中的原始变量。
- Object Picker cannot open because the calling program did not initialize it properly. 由于调用程序没有正确初始化,对象挑选程序无法打开。
- To resolve the error, increase the connection time-out on the client or calling program. 若要纠正此错误,请延长客户端或调用程序连接超时时间。
- In this example, the parameters need to be passed by reference to affect the variables in the calling program. 本示例中,需要通过引用传递参数以影响调用程序中的变量。
- This allows the variable passed into the procedure to be modified in the calling program. 这就允许在调用程序中修改已传递到过程中的变量。
- No error is returned, but you cannot use the output value in the calling program. 这样不会返回错误,但将无法在调用程序中使用输出值。
- Is the name of the function or data item as it is to be used by the calling program. 是调用程序要使用的函数或数据项的名称。
- Passing seconds by value prevents the procedure from accessing the variable in the calling program, and helps avoid the pitfall just described. 通过值传递seconds可防止过程访问调用程序中的变量,因此有助于避免出现上述缺陷。
- If you remove the ref keyword from both the method header and the method call, no changes will take place in the calling program. 如果同时从方法头和方法调用中移除ref关键字,则调用程序中不会发生任何更改。
- This allows the stored procedure to receive a value from the calling program, change it or perform operations with it, then return the new value to the calling program. 这将允许存储过程从调用程序接收值,更改该值或使用该值执行操作,然后将新值返回调用程序。
- If the INTO clause is not used, and column_specifier does not assign the values to local variables, the statement returns a result set to the calling program. 如果未使用INTO子句,并且column_specifier没有为局部变量分配值,则该语句将结果集返回到调用程序。
- This is the key part: before returning, you save the status code returned by the HTTP server. This will allow you easy access to it from the calling program. 这是关键部分:返回之前,你保存从HTTP服务器返回的状态代码。这将使你从调用程序轻而易举地访问它。
- As with OUTPUT parameters, you must save the return code in a variable when the stored procedure is executed to use the return code value in the calling program. 与OUTPUT参数一样,执行存储过程时必须将返回代码保存到变量中,才能在调用程序时使用返回代码值。
- In Visual Basic 2005, the GoSub statement is not supported, and you can use the Return statement to return control to the calling program from a Function or Sub procedure. 在Visual Basic 2005中,不支持GoSub语句,可以使用Return语句将控制从Function或Sub过程返回给调用程序。
- That way, you can change the internal data structures without affecting the calling programs. 这样,你在改变内部数据结构时不会影响到调用它的外部程序。
- He had a calling to join the party. 他被邀请参加聚会。