- My calligraphy works by Wang body due Xingshu and Lishu. 我的书法作品,以王体行书和隶书见长。
- Li Shimin regarded Wang's calligraphy work as perfect. 李世民对王羲之书法认为已经达到了"尽善尽美"。
- China Calligraphy Corpora", "World Chinese Calligraphy work Florilegium". 曾获全省全国书画大赛一等奖。
- His calligraphy works reflected his personal character, which was direct, loyal and decisive. 后人评他的字时,以为同他的人格一样,正直忠烈,刚胜于柔。
- According to a modern scholar, Han Yutao, Zhang's calligraphy works have three properties. 韩玉涛先生认为张旭字有三个特点。
- The Qin stone engravings created a new art form and a method to preserve calligraphy works. 然而在秦刻石这一精神目的实现的过程中,同时也创立了一种可以使书法更长久留存的形式,开拓了一个新的艺术天地。
- The famous Tang Dynasty poets Li Bai and Qian Qi spoke highly of his calligraphy works. 当时的诗人李白、钱起等都有赞美他书法的诗篇。
- It is a commercial street major in calligraphy works, painting, curio, and relevant articles. 位于越秀区文德路,是著名的字画古玩一条街,专营名人字画、壁画、及画框等字画相关产品。
- Hong Lianquan also loves to collect and appreciate paintings and calligraphy works, porcelain, wood, jade and jewelry. 洪连泉还酷爱收藏、鉴赏书画、瓷器、木器、珠宝玉器,尤其对书画、瓷器有着独到的见解。
- It is a commercial steer major in calligraphy works, painting, curio, and relevant articles. 位于越秀区文德路,是著名的字画古玩一条街,专营名人字画,壁画,及画框等字画相关产品。
- The book The Art of Calligraphy collects and explains precious calligraphy works from the artistic world in detail. 《书法艺术》一书详尽地集解了艺术界的书法珍品。
- Most of the modern hardwood calligraphy works have slim and long characters, whereas Lin's characters had greater variety in strokes and more strength. 如果说在现代帖派中的一些大手笔还依然保留着某种传统中的纤细、柔弱,更偏重于秀美的美学特点,而在林散之的书法中,则极大地加强了雄强、奇变、苍辣的成分,
- The rhythm and strength of their writings are all controlled by their moods, and their calligraphy works are expressions of their sensibilities. 笔的疾厉、徐缓、飞动、顿挫,都受主观的驱使,成为他情感、情绪的发泄
- The shop is located in the Antique City on Changle Road of Qingdao, selling calligraphy works, Chinese pictures,chinas,potteries. 本店位于青岛昌乐路古玩城,主营字画、瓷器、陶器。
- The QingSong Calligraphy Workroom provides the high quality calligraphy work and full professional calligraphy service. 从事礼仪知识传播; 庆典活动; 开业典礼; 展览服务; 大型活动策划与组织的上海公关礼仪 服务公司.
- Records show he soaked his own hair with ink and used it to create a calligraphy work, thus earning himself the nickname "Crazy"Zhang. 画史上记载,他曾经用头发濡墨书写大字,当时人们叫他"张颠"。
- A calligraphy work "Ma Gu Xian Shou" by courtesy of the Huang Yao Collection in Singapore Art Museum is also presented in the Exhibition. 在新加坡艺术博物馆里的善意下商借出其黄尧作品集的书法作品"麻姑献寿"展示。
- When you look at a Chinese painting or calligraphy work, do you ever pay any attention to the vermilion impression of a seal that it bears? 在欣赏中国书画时,你有否留意上面钤有大大小小的朱红色印章?而你又知否这些印章的用途呢?
- Records show he soaked his own hair with ink and used it to create a calligraphy work, thus earning himself the nickname "Crazy" Zhang. 画史上记载,他曾经用头发濡墨书写大字,当时人们叫他"张颠"。
- Besides being used for calligraphy work and painting, handmade paper may serve various handicraft purposes after being dyed and processed. 手工纸除了做为书法、绘画之用,透过染色及加工处理后,更可以应用在各种手工艺品和艺术创作上。