- With the numerical imitating correction of refitting ammeter,the authors can make the calibrate curve better,and improve the accuracy class of ammeter. 通过对改装、扩程的磁电式电表的误差曲线进行分析,采用数值拟合修正的方法,让扩程电阻同时充当精度调节电阻,改善校准曲线的分布,可以在原有基础上大幅提高电表的整体精度,甚至提高电表的等级。
- Improves the precision of calibration curve. 提高了网点校正曲线(灰度转换)的精度。
- These data can be plotted to form a calibration curve. 这些数据可以绘制成一校准曲线。
- According to the monitoring results of urine samples of workers in site, the calibration curve of urine tritium to calibrate the monitoring results is made. 制作了尿氚猝灭校正曲线,修正了尿中氚浓度的直接测量结果。
- Fig. 2. Calibration curves of atrazine and ametryn. 图三;草脱净及草杀净之标准曲线图.
- In atomic absorption spectrophotometry, the calibration curve is always required. 摘要原子吸收光谱法进行样品测定时,必须制作校准曲线。
- In calibration experimentation, we obtain calibration curve of oxygen saturation scope from 35 percent to 100 percent. 在定标实验中,标定了血氧在35%25~100%25范围内的血氧饱和度定标曲线;
- Regression equa tion of calibration curve and coefficient of correlation of Cu, Mg and Fe were given. 给出了钙、镁和铁校准曲线的线性回归方程及相关系数;其添加回收率分别为91.;5%25;100%25;107
- Methods Both the calibration curve and specific absorptivity were adopted to measure m-Nisoldipine. 方法分别采用标准曲线法和标准吸收系数法测定间尼索地平的含量。
- Abstract: The thesis demonstrates plotting integration method on well logging datas: Head、Calibrator、Curve. 摘要: 本文论述了测井成果图中图头、刻度、曲线数据的集成化打印方法。
- RP-HPLC absolute calibration curve method for the determination of Diethyl Maleate. 论述了高效液相色谱法测定马来酸二乙酯含量的方法。
- Methods The calibration curve and limit of detection were obtained by quantification of standardized PFB-MFA using GC/ECD and GC/MS. 方法使用GC/ECD、GC/MS Scan、GC/MS SIM对该化合物的标准溶液进行了分析,得到了各种分析方法的校正曲线及检测限。
- Taking account of these factors, a rigorous formula for Ii/Ie(ion current/elec-tron current) is deduced and the calibration curve is well explained. 对这几个问题进行了简单的讨论后,推导出离子电流\\电子电流公式,并给出了有关的理论曲线。
- Basing on a large number of researches on the calibration curve, we found our slope range talied well with the one defined in this paper. 通过对我站历次所做校准曲线进行研究,发现它们的斜率范围与本文所确定的范围符合得较好。
- In the examination of propofol,the calibration curve was linear in the range of 6.73-323.4 ng(r= 0.9991),and the quantitation limit was 0.016 ng(S/N=10). 丙泊酚检查的定量限为0.;016 ng(S/N=10);在6
- Strictly to control the factors influencing the regression of calibration curve affects the quality of calibration curve and the accuracy of determination results. 严格控制影响校准曲线回归的因素,决定着校准曲线的质量和样品测定结果的准确度。
- A method in which the matrix was matched to calibration curve has been proposed for the direct determination of 13 trace impurities in high-purity tantalum pentoxide by ICP-AES. 摘要本文提出了基体匹配校准曲线,ICP-AES法直接测定高纯氧化钽中13种杂质元素的分析方法,并考察了光谱干扰以及基体效应的影响,确定了仪器最佳工作条件。
- After the calibration curve of niobium was optimized by correction of matrix, the correlation coefficient increased from 0.9746 (before correction) to 0.9918. 采用基体校准优化工作曲线后,工作曲线线性关系好,相关系数由基体校正前的0.;9746提高到0
- Studies on some problems related the making and application of calibration curve are conducted which offer references for the correct use of calibration curve. 对校准曲线的制作和应用中的有关问题进行了研究,为正确使用校准曲线提供科学参考。
- The falling star described a long curve in the sky. 流星在空中画出了一道长长的弧线。