- Does Caesarean birth give yield child? Be a stubborn child certainly? 剖腹产出来的小孩?一定是个倔强的孩子么?
- Caesarean birth or much afterbirth foetal hair give 3.5 months. 剖腹产或多胞胎发给3.;5个月。
- Is Caesarean birth still natural labor very good? 剖腹产好还是顺产好?
- Caesarean birth accounts for 45.2%,the proportion is higher. 2%25,比例过高。
- Does the scar that Caesarean birth leaves have method purify? ? 剖腹产留下的疤有办法去除吗??
- The Caesarean birth was performed in 35.65% of foetus suffering fetal distress. 因胎儿宫内窘迫而施行剖宫产者 3 5 65%25 ,而无脐带绕颈者剖宫产率为 16 89%25
- Results Nursing cost of caesarean birth in Operation Room was $307.79. 结果剖宫产手术配合的护理成本为307.;79元。
- Your birth gives me hope and qI hope to give you happiness. 你的诞生带给我希望,而我希望带给你幸福。
- Your birth gives me hope and I hope to give you happiness. 你的诞生带给我希望,我的希望带给你幸福。
- Methods Nursing cost of caesarean birth in Operation Room was calculated according to synthesized evaluating and calculating. 方法根据项目综合评估和核算方法,核算剖宫产手术配合的护理成本。
- New method of caesarean birth of operatic time was short, complication decrease, simple and easy. 新式剖宫产手术时间短、术后并发症少,术式简单、易学、值得推广。
- Effect of Psychological Education during Pregnancy on Rate of Unnecessary Caesarean Birth. 孕期心理教育对非必须剖宫产率的影响
- Study on the relationship between caesarean birth and neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. 剖宫产与新生儿高胆红素血症关系的研究
- They whip the sentient beings with birth giving, old age, sickness, death and numerous other miseries. 烦恼因缘合成此身,而此五阴,恒以生、老、病、死、无量苦恼搒笞众生。
- Objective:To accelerate the process of mice and rats of caesarean birth purification. 目的 :探讨大、小鼠剖宫取胎的适应条件 ,促使大、小鼠剖宫产净化的顺利进行。
- Objective:To investigate the relationship of caesarean birth and hyperbilirubinemia of newborn. 目的 探讨剖宫产分娩与新生儿高胆红素血症的关系。
- Conclusions MMP-2, MMP-9 protein expression is higher in vagina labour group than in caesarean birth group. 9和MMP! 2蛋白在自然分娩中表达高于剖宫产,提示自然分娩MMP!
- Dealing with indication of caesarean birth reasonably and reducing perinatal mortality. 合理掌握剖宫产指征降低围生儿死亡率
- The Caesarean birth of the women in experimental group was 6.1% while that of the control group was 36.4% ( P <0.01). 以妊高征为指征的剖宫产率口服 Vit E组为 6 .;1%25;显著低于对照组 36
- Prenatal B-ultrasonics shows that Caesarean birth indexes can be widen suitably. 产前B超提示脐带缠绕时可适当放宽剖宫产指征;