- cacia savanna 金合欢稀树草原
- The sunny savanna yields no food. 这个阳光充裕的无树平原不产食物。
- The savanna was covered by the aggregation of herds. 这个大草原遍地是牧群。
- Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savanna. 大草原上一段小小的罗曼史正在孕育,
- Arthropod : Spiders live on the savanna. 节肢动物 :蜘蛛生活在稀树草原。
- There are two seasons in the savanna. 在稀树大草原有两个季节。
- They sped upon velvet wheels across an exhilarant savanna. 他们的马车轻捷地穿过一片令人赏心悦目的大草原。
- Most rhinoceroses are solitary inhabitants of open grassland, savanna, scrub forest, or marsh in eastern and southern Africa and tropical Asia. 大多数犀牛孤居在宽阔的草原,热带的稀树大草原,灌木林或东南非和亚热带的沼泽里。
- When the savanna grass shouldered out cactus, they weeded fiercely. 当热带草地上的草疯长,超过了仙人掌的高度,他们就开展除草行动。
- Savanna shoot your hot cum into my wanton mouth! Lmao! 会员可以在此回答上投票!
- South of the equatorial region is the tree-dotted grassland called the savanna. 赤道地区以南是一片树木稀少的草原,称为热带草原。
- The savanna browsing black rhino has a prehensile lip for feeding on shrubs. 热带大草原的啮草黑犀牛有能卷握东西的嘴唇,可以用于吸食灌木的嫩枝叶。
- Cacia's exploits this season in Serie B have brought him to the notice of bigger clubs across Europe. 加西亚这个赛季出色的表现引起了很多欧洲大牌俱乐部的关注.
- Backlit by the setting sun, a crested crane forages in the African savanna. 非洲热带稀树大草原,一只皇冠鹤(又名灰冠鹤)找寻食物的身影被落日余晖照亮。
- Our species has spent almost all of its existence on the African savanna. 可是,尝试着这么做的结果都已被证明是有趣的失败。
- Seems like there were early records of savanna blazing star in the state. 州里似乎有关于稀树大草原多种花色鲜明植物的早期记录。
- Beretta also replaced Esposito with Antunes in defence, while upfront the Lecce tactician put his faith in Cacia as partner to Tiribocchi. 在防线上,贝雷塔用安图内斯取代埃斯波西托首发登场,在锋线上则是卡恰和蒂里博基搭档。
- Herds of giraffes gracefully move across the savanna in long, slow strides. 成群的长颈鹿舒缓地迈着大步,优雅地行走在大草原上。
- A savanna full of predators, after all, was not a place to get distracted. 毕竟,充满捕食者的热带稀树大草原并不是一个会让人分心的地方。
- Pazzini is another great striker: I have seen his qualities and he is showing them well, then there are also Acquafresca, Cacia. 但是这些年过来,我明白了要演绎好自己的角色,就必须身心愉悦,这也是为什么我一直脚踏实地的训练。”