- In a cabin on a hill in Butcher Holler. 出生便是刘舼螥蕿矿工的女儿。
- The town is perched on a hill (above a lake). 小镇坐落在小山上(俯瞰湖泊处)。
- They lived in a cottage on a lake. 他们住在河边的一个小木屋里。
- The house sits high on a hill overlooking a lake. 房子高高地坐落在可以俯瞰湖水的小山上。
- Pavlova glided across the stage like a swan on a lake. 帕夫洛娃就象湖上的天鹅那样滑过舞台。
- cabin on a lake 水上屋 [England]
- Walking on a road near a lake in a drizzle is a special experience. 在靡靡的细雨中走在湖边的小路上,别有一番情趣。
- One feels cooped up in a cabin on board a ship. 在船的舱房中使人有受拘禁之感。
- Ice anglers may sit on the stool in the open on a frozen lake, or in a heated cabin on the ice, some with bunks and amenities. 垂钓者们可以坐在一块结冰湖面上,也可以在一个冰面上温暖的小屋里,很多人还带有床铺和相关设备。
- A small cabin or the cook's galley on a ship. 小舱室,厨房船上的小舱室或厨房
- Through the clear water, spring water on a lake can be seen Chung, dazzling. 透过清澈的水面,可见湖底有泉水上涌,令人眼花缭乱。
- Please book me a cabin on the ship. 请替我在船上订一间舱房。
- We are going on a four-mile hike to the lake. 我们步行四英里去湖边。
- We must settle on a place to meet. 咱们得把见面的地点定下来。
- In 1634 a Frenchman arrived on a lake's shore wearing a mandarin robe, hoping to find Cathay. 1634年,一个穿长袍的法国人到达湖边,希望能找到中国。
- Last month, however, I spent two weeks in my in-laws' cabin on a farm in the backwoods of Canada with one phone and no computer. 然而,上个月我花了两周时间呆在婆家的农场小屋里,那个农场位于加拿大的偏远地带,只有一部电话,没有电脑。
- I'm an old-fashioned guy...I want to be an old man with a beer belly sitting on a porth,looking at a lake or something. 我是个落伍的人......我想要成为一个有着啤酒肚的老家伙;没事儿坐在走廊边上;凝望着湖水或者其他什么东西.
- He made out of the cabin on hearing the siren. 他一听到汽笛声就立即走出船舱。
- She married a man who put her on a pedestal. 她嫁给了一个对她十分崇拜的男人。
- Your seat is in the rear of the cabin on the right. 您的座位在机舱右侧的后面。