- By general consensus, Star Trek product had been over-saturating TV for years...but has the jaded palette of viewers been cleansed enough now for a new infusion of episodic Enterprise antics? 一般的共识,星际旅行产品已经过度饱和电视多年...但有厌倦调色板的观众被清洗不够现在一个新的企业注入情节滑稽?
- There is a general consensus in our party on this issue. 对于这个问题本党有普遍的共识。
- The general consensus was to continue production locally. 大多数人的意见是继续在当地生产。
- By general admission; admittedly. 公认地为人们所许可;公认地
- By general admission; confessedly. 普遍承认地;公认地
- He was chosen leader by general consent. 大家一致同意选他当领导人。
- The troops were commanded by General Haig. 这些部队由黑格将军统率。
- But the general consensus is that his problem is with the rotator cuff. 而他肩唇的伤势也是如此,但主要的伤还是在旋转肌。
- "Following the international practice" has become a general consensus. “按国际惯例办事”现已成为人们的一项共识。
- The committee is chaired by General X. 委员会由x将军主持。
- The committee is chaired by General X . 委员会由X将军主持。
- He was chosen by general election. 他是通过普选推选出来的。
- Black holes are predicted by general relativity. 黑洞是广义相对论预言的一种特殊的天体。
- But identification with Taiwan and concern for the island is no doubt the general consensus. 不过,大家认同台湾、关怀乡土倒是全民共识。
- This guideline is established by general consent. 这个纲领是经多数人同意而制定的。
- by general consensus 根据普遍的意见
- This issue was not faced in its brutal realism by General Gamelin. 甘默林将军没有用无情的现实主义正视这一问题。
- There is a general consensus among teachers about the need for greater security in schools. 教师们对必须加强学校的保安有普遍的共识。
- Among scientists there is a general consensus about what is and what isn't proper science. 究竟什么是严肃认真的科学活动,什么不是严肃认真的科学活动,在这个问题上,科学家之间有一种普遍的默契。
- It has been handed down by generations of peasants. 它是农民世世代代传下来的。