- The button man gave his caporegime an astonished look, which was followed by a look of comprehension, before he went back to the kitchen. 那个武工队员对他的司令先是用吃惊的神色望了望,接着就用理解的神色望了望,然后回到厨房去了。
- One of the button men brought a bowl of spaghetti in from the kitchen and then some plates, forks and wine.. 一个武工队队员从厨房端来了一大碗细条实心面,又端来了几盘菜,还拿来了刀叉和酒。
- The Turk had suddenly become cagey, perhaps he knew that the Family button men of Clemenza and Tessio were ranging far and wide over the city in an attempt to pick up his trail. 那个“土耳其人”也警觉起来,也许他发觉克莱门扎和忒希奥在全市撤下了天罗地网,企图查清他的行踪。
- That night also two button men of the Corleone Family were killed as they peaceably ate their dinner in a small Italian restaurant in r Greenwich Village. 那天晚上,考利昂家族系统中的两个基层人员正在格林威治村的一家小小的意大利饭店安安静静地吃饭的时候,给人杀害了。
- A stunt man needs to have a good guardian angel. 当特技替身演员的得有个守护天使来保佑。
- That old man is a fount of wisdom. 那个老人有无穷的智慧。
- The accused man said he had been framed. 被告说他受人陷害了。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。
- You may push this button to call the elevator. 你可以按这个按钮叫电梯。
- You may stop the machine by pushing this button. 按下这个按钮你就可以关掉这个机器。
- The door shut with a bang after the angry man. 那人愤怒地走出屋把门砰地一声关上了。
- Just press the button and the machine will start. 只要一按电钮,机器就会开动。
- Will you stitch a button on this shirt? 请你在这件衬衫上钉一颗钮扣好吗?
- She married a man who put her on a pedestal. 她嫁给了一个对她十分崇拜的男人。
- The man jacked up his car to fix a flat tire. 那人用千斤顶把他的汽车顶起以修理漏气的轮胎。
- He was not a man to sit down with affront. 他并不是一个可以忍受当众侮辱的人。
- Press this button in case of fire. 遇火灾时按下此钮。
- The chair sagged down under the fat man's weight. 椅子经这胖人一坐便压弯了。
- This button switches the current on. 这个电钮接通电流。
- The robber stabbed the young man in the belly. 强盗刺伤了这名年轻人的腹部。