- They were, in fact, very fine ladies; not deficient in good-humour when they were pleased, nor in the power of being agreeable when they chose it; but proud and conceited. 事实上,她们都是非常好的小姐;她们并不是不会谈笑风生,问题是要碰到她们高兴的时候;她们也不是不会待人和颜悦色,问题在于她们是否乐意这样做;可惜的是,她们一味骄傲自大。
- It's time Harold was cut down to size. He's far too proud and conceited. 该是杀杀哈罗德的威风的时候了,他太骄傲自大了。
- but proud and conceited. 可惜的是,她们一味骄傲自大。
- Things I do not behave: Do not feel proud and conceited, Do not discuss faults behind one's back, Do not disrespect other sentient beings. 莫作之事有三种:切莫自大与傲慢,切莫暗中说他过,于谁亦莫作轻慢。
- They are a proud and independent people. 他们是独立自主的民族。
- They are poor but proud; they never borrow money or ask for help. 他们虽穷但很自重,他们从不向人借钱或求助。
- Be overbearing, overaggressive, and conceited. 傲慢专横,咄咄逼人,自负。
- Only a man full of the milk of human kindness could have continued to befriend the proud and obstinate young man. 只有天性善良的人才会和这个性情高傲脾气倔强的年轻人继续交往。
- We should guard against arrogance and conceit. 我们应防止骄傲自满的情绪滋长。
- Next to him was Hera, his proud and jealous queen. 其次是女皇赫拉,一位既骄傲、嫉妒心又强的女人。
- I was reluctant in private, because I am playful but proud too. 我之所以没有私下向你道歉,是因为我没把这当回事,而且还很自负。
- They were a proud and independent people. 他们是一个独立自主的民族。
- I know better than to be proud and demanding. 不过我很明白识体,不至于会纵骄,也不会苛求,
- He is every bit as vain and conceited as we figured. 他完全象我们大家估计的那样爱虚荣,那样狂妄。
- Well he might br proud and glad. 他要感到骄傲而又高兴也是应该的。
- Your eccentricity and conceit touch the verge of frenzy. 你这种反常和自负的行径已经是接近疯狂了。
- He is proud and he'll take his chance. 幸运之神眷顾着他,他是骄傲自豪地。
- Confronting raging and conceited people, you must watch your mouth. 见悻悻自好之人,應須防口。
- Like the swallow so proud and free? 像燕子那般骄傲而自由?
- Like the swallows so proud and free? 像燕子那样骄傲而自由?