- business intelligence model 商务智能模型
- The sample model is displayed in the Business Intelligence Development Studio window. 示例模型将显示在Business Intelligence Development Studio窗口中。
- Business Intelligence Development Studio also provides an environment for running Model Designer and Report Designer. Business Intelligence Development Studio还提供了运行模型设计器和报表设计器的环境。
- In Data Mining Designer in Business Intelligence Development Studio, select the Mining Model Prediction tab. 在Business Intelligence Development Studio的数据挖掘设计器中,选择“挖掘模型预测”选项卡。
- On the toolbar of the Mining Model Prediction tab of Data Mining Designer in Business Intelligence Development Studio, click Result. 在Business Intelligence Development Studio的数据挖掘设计器中,单击“挖掘模型预测”选项卡工具栏上的“结果”。
- When the Report Model tab is active in Business Intelligence Development Studio, a Reporting Model menu is added to the main menu bar. 当“报表模型”选项卡在Business Intelligence Development Studio中处于活动状态时,在主菜单栏中将增加一个“报表模型”菜单。
- The model is saved to the report server using the Target Server URL that you specified when setting up Business Intelligence Development Studio. 使用您在设置Business Intelligence Development Studio时指定的目标服务器URL,将模型保存到报表服务器。
- After creating a report model project called ModelTutorial, you need to define one data source from which you will extract business intelligence data and metadata. 创建了名为ModelTutorial的报表模型项目后,需要定义一个用于从中提取商业智能数据和元数据的数据源。
- On the Select Input Table(s) table of the Mining Model Prediction tab in Data Mining Designer in Business Intelligence Development Studio, click Modify Join. 在Business Intelligence Development Studio的数据挖掘设计器中“挖掘模型预测”选项卡的“选择输入表”表上,单击“修改联接”。
- The evolution of business intelligence begins with a definitional shift. 商业智能的演变开始于定义的转变。
- Business Scope In-house training, seminar/ forum with leading-edge business intelligence, management consulting. 服务范围企业内训、界前沿资讯论坛/议、理咨询。
- To debug custom assemblies, attach to the Visual Studio instance that hosts your Business Intelligence project. 要调试自定义程序集,应连接到承载商业智能项目的Visual Studio实例。
- In particular, generic reporting, analysis, and business intelligence applications require this method of manipulation. 具体地说,一般报告、分析和业务智能应用程序将需要这种操作方法。
- Displays the MDX script generated by the current Business Intelligence Wizard session. 显示由当前商业智能向导会话生成的MDX脚本。
- Describes the UDM design method for using Analysis Services as a portal to a whole business intelligence solution. 介绍将Analysis Services用作整个商业智能解决方案的门户的UDM设计方法。
- Traditional intelligent model base system depends on transcendental knowledge,and it is difficult to authentically implement intelligentization. 传统的智能模型库系统对先验知识依赖性很强,难以实现真正意义上的智能化。
- Running packages outside Business Intelligence Development Studio requires the installation of Integration Services. 运行Business Intelligence Development Studio之外的包要求安装Integration Services。
- Change the Business Intelligence project start item to the report that calls the custom code, as shown in Figure 9. 将商业智能项目的起始项更改为调用自定义代码的报表,如图9所示。
- Incorporated instructions on how to use the sample in Business Intelligence Development Studio. 并入了有关如何在Business Intelligence Development Studio中使用示例的说明。
- On a 64-bit (x64) platform, SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio runs in 32-bit WOW mode. 在64位(x64)平台上,SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio在32位WOW模式下运行。