- Bus bars shall be of the same cross-sectional area throughout the switchgear. 整个开关柜的母线截面均应相同。
- Bus bars, Cable drum, reel or Cable are only some things, which belong to the area of activity of AKAPP-STEMMANN BV. STEMMANN BV是一家现代化的、可靠的产品供应商,这家供应商从事线缆、缆索,电缆馈线,母线接触轨的制造、销售。请您访问我们的主页,垂询当前的信息和服务。
- SMC/DMC molded products: Widely used in electrical field such as bus bar clamp. 广泛地适用于电器制品,防眩板,母线夹,电表箱,井盖等制品。
- Bus bars shall be fabricated and contact surfaces (shall be) ground before plating. 电镀前母线须装配完毕且磨平接触面。
- The term bus in this usage can either be rigid solid bus bars or insulated flexible cables. 可能是坚硬的实心汇流条,也可能是柔韧的绝缘电缆。
- Field circuit breaker failure causing too low arcing voltage followed by blast of ionised air in +ES cubicle and flashover at the left extremity of AC bus bars. 导致弧压过低的磁场断路器故障是引发+ES柜空气电离和交流母排左侧末端处发生闪络的原因。
- IDEALEC started to design and manufacture laminated Bus Bars in 1975 as an ALCATEL Division, it became FCI in 1993 and span off in 2005. 益蒂莱始创于1975年阿尔卡特的母排部门,1993年时被FCI收购,2005年从FCI剥离。
- Repair of the rear glass heating grid lines, bus bars, terminals or pigtail wires can be accomplished using a Mopar Rear Window Defogger Repair Kit (P/N 4267922) or equivalent. 用 Mopar后窗除雾器修理包 (P/N 4267922) 或相同的工具,修理后玻璃电热网线,母线,端子或输出线。
- Several kinds of non-wastage connection bus bars, which are being developed, will also be substituted for imported materials and put into use in upgrading electric cabinet. 正在开发的几种无损连接母线,也将取代进口材料,用于更新换代的新电柜。
- The melted metal signs can be found over contacts and over the arcing chamber and seem to be mainly originated from the bus bars of neighbouring cubicle. 在触头和灭弧室上方发现融化金属的迹象,这些迹象似乎主要起源于临近小室中的母排。
- Several kinds of non-wastage connection bus bars,which are being developed,will also be substituted for imported materials and put into use in upgrading electirc cabinet. 正在开发的几种无损连接母线,也将取代先进口材料,用于更新换代的新型电柜。
- Bus Bar 200 meters west of Xuesi Lukou and Fourth Ring Road, south side of the roa d, Haidian. 公共汽车酒吧海淀区北四环路学四路口往南200米。
- The bus bar from one switchgear to the other switchgear is fixed with the bushing and the ramus bus . 母线从一个开关柜引至另一个开关柜,通过分支母线和套管固定。
- This series are used for the containment of electrical equipments and for the connection of electric conductors as bus bar boxes. 这种箱体是用来放置电气设备和连接电线导体。如汇流排箱体。
- Clean bus bar with cleansing and dry soft bibric, check insulation damage or no. According to 7.2 section state, clean lipa and feculence adhere to. 用清洁、干燥的软布擦拭母线,检查绝缘是否有损伤。按7.;2节所述,清除油脂和粘附的污物。
- When installation, unlade the join copper bus bar, through the preformed long-square hole, fixing it on the main grounding bus bar. 安装时将互连铜排卸下,穿越柜间预留的长方孔,固定在相邻两柜的主接地铜排上。
- Note: While the switchgear for different width are put together buder upon, the length of three phase bus bar is different, seeing about especially! 请注意:不同宽度的开关柜相邻拼接时,其三相母线的长度是各不相等的,在清点母线时,应特别留意!
- In circuit of connect to IGBT, the bus bar is employed, which is important way to reduce pass-voltage and mottle inductance. 为了减小杂散电感、抑制过电压,本文研究了功率母线的结构,并且应用在与IGBT直接相连的电路中,优化了主电路结构并减小杂散电感、降低过电压。
- When the phase bus bar all installing well, screw down all bolt according order with bushing-spanner and wring-spanner, main bus bar bolt's fastener power is 50 N. 待该相母线都安装就位后,再使用套管扳手及扭力扳手按顺序将每根螺栓拧紧,主母线螺栓的紧固扭力为50牛顿.;米。
- Voltage reactive power calculate,topology analysis of bus bar and several links of units reactive power distribution were carried out in AVC subsystem of power generation plants. 在发电厂自动电压控制(AVC)子系统控制中进行电压无功计算、电厂母线拓扑分析、机组无功分配的几个环节,采用了实用的、工程化的方法,简化了控制及计算并成功运用于现场的控制。