- We burnt up all the garden rubbish. 我们将花园中的垃圾全部烧掉。
- The house burnt up before the firemen got there. 屋子在救火人员赶到前就烧光了。
- The boy's laziness burnt up his teacher. 男孩的懒惰使他的教师感到恼火。
- All fuel, if not burnt up yet, will fuse to iron and nickel. 所有尚未使用的燃料会迅速核聚变成铁或镍。
- The plane circled the airport to burn up excess fuel. 飞机在机场上空盘旋以耗掉多余的燃料。
- The wick on the candle drew up fuel to the flame. 蜡烛芯吸油使燃料变成了火焰。
- burn up fuel 烧完燃料
- High oil prices have driven up fuel costs. 高油价抬高了燃料费用。
- We burnt up all the dead leaves in the garden. 我们把花园里所有的枯叶都烧掉了。
- He(was)burnt up about the matter. 他为这件事大发雷霆。
- Those who burn up the road often cause accidents. 那些开快车的人常常会出车祸。
- He put some coals on the fire and made it burn up. 他给火添了些煤块,使水烧得更旺。
- Put some wood on the fire and make it burn up . 在火上加点柴,使它烧旺一点。
- Put some wood on the fire and make it burn up. 添些木柴把火烧旺。
- It demonstrates that the fuel element is still safe under this level of burnup. 在该燃耗下,元件仍具有一定的安全裕度。
- I'm sorry to have burnt up your precious resources. 很抱歉让你们损失了宝贵的能源。
- He burnt up all the waste paper. 他烧掉所有废纸。
- All his books were burnt up in the fire. 他所有的书都在这场火灾中被焚。
- Stay away from him. He is all burnt up. 不要惹他,他现在怒火如焚。
- The paper also gives results of transporting 32boxes of HFETR discharged fuel elements first loaded in the5MW LPR. 给出了5MW LPR 首炉装料的32盒 HFETR 卸料元件的运输实践结果。