- burnt metamorphic rocks 烧变岩
- The layered structure common to metamorphic rocks. 叶理象变质岩一样的岩石层状结构
- Metamorphic rock having porphyritic texture. 残斑岩具斑岩状结构的变质岩。
- What kinds of regional metamorphic rocks are present in the area? 在这一地区有哪些种类的区域变质岩?
- The neo-Archean rocks possibly exist in Tieklik metamorphic rocks. 铁克力克可能有新太古代变质岩系的存在。
- Even foliated metamorphic rocks and banded gabbro can be curved to form folds. 即使变质岩中的片理以及辉长岩中的条带也可产生弯曲而形成褶皱。
- The first type is residuals of metamorphic rocks of high amphibolite facies. 一类为属于高角闪岩相的变质岩(残余)包体;
- Marble, a metamorphic rock, forms when limestone re-crystallizes. 大理岩,一种变质岩,在灰岩重结晶时形成。
- A thin, leaflike layer or stratum occurring especially in metamorphic rock. 叶形线薄的叶状地层,尤其出现于变质岩中
- Hard metamorphic rock consists essentially of interlocking quartz crystals. 坚硬的变质岩,主要由嵌合的石英晶体组成。
- A thin,leaflike layer or stratum occurring especially in metamorphic rock. 叶形线薄的叶状地层,尤其出现于变质岩中
- Resembling metamorphic rock in consistency,texture,venation,color,or coldness. 与大理石相似的在硬度、质地、脉纹、色彩或冷度上象变质岩的
- Gneiss, a metamorphic rock, can be commonly found in Precambrian areas. 片麻岩,一种变质岩,通常在前寒武纪地层中出现。
- Hydrocarbons commonly occur in sedimentary basins and are absent from intervening areas of igneous and metamorphic rocks. 在沉积盆地中,碳氢化合物很常见,而在间杂的火成岩与变质岩中则找不到。
- In the Dabieshan area, the late Archaean metamorphic rocks,here termed as the Dabie Group, are complexly deformed. 大别山区晚太古代大别群变质岩系,经历了复杂的变形过程。
- Most of gravels are granite derived from the base of the Songliao Basin and from Permian metamorphic rocks. 砾岩中砾石成分复杂,以基底花岗岩及二叠系变质岩为主,原地火山岩次之。
- Title: Hydrogen and oxygen isotope geochemistry of high to ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks from Southeast Dabie. 关键词:大别山;超高压;变质岩;氢同位素;氧同位素;水-岩相互作用
- Anatexis is pervasive in high grade metamorphic rocks and has received much attention from geoscientists. 摘要深熔作用在高级变质岩中非常普遍并受到广泛关注。
- Title: An evaluation of zircon U-Pb dating for metamorphic rocks and comments on zircon ages of Dabie orogen. 关键词:锆石计时;岩浆锆石和变质锆石;蜕晶化作用;增生-混合作用;重结晶作用;大别山年代学
- Classification of metamorphic rocks: foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks. 变质岩分类:叶理化变质岩和非叶理化变质岩。