- Figure 8 -- Burn rate as function of O/F ratio. 图8 -烧伤率为功能的 O / 空燃比。
- The absorption rate constant expresses the speed of absorption. 吸收速率常数表示吸收的速度。
- Iron oxide may be utilized in achieving propellants of ultrahigh burn rate. 氧化铁可用以制出超高燃速的推进剂。
- The maximal gelation rate constant occurred the top layer. 在凝胶过程中,凝胶速度常数最大的是皮层。
- Anderson G W. A Burning Rate Model for Charring Materials[Z]. Gaitherburg:1997. 未定义类型作者.;题名(正体;实词首字母大写)[Z]
- The apparent reaction rate constant can be obtained by linear regression. 线性回归得出化学反应速率常数表观值。
- In the alternate approach, the burning rate is expressed as a function of drop radius. 在另一种方法中,燃烧速率表示为液滴半径的函数。
- The variation of the return rate constant k with different absolute temperature T deviates Arrhenius empiric equation. 反应速率常数随绝对温度的变化基本上符合阿累尼乌斯定理。
- It is important that the dependence of the burning rate on both the local reactant character and the local gas dynamic environment be adequately represented. 恰当地表示燃烧速率随局部反应物特性和局部气动力环境的变化关系是很重要的。
- The parabolic rate constant B is substantially larger for wet oxidation than for dry. 在湿氧氧化中抛物线速率常数B比干氧氧化中的大得多。
- In addition to chemical means there exist physical means for controlling the burning rate. 控制燃速除化学方法外,还有物理方法。
- Having idealer AIR BURNING rate so as to make waste air discharge more perfectly. 具有较理想的空气燃烧比,使废气排放得到充分完善。
- Its reaction constant K, rate constant k_1, activation energy E_(a.1) and Arrhenius factor k_(0.1) were determined. 测定了其反应常数K、速度常数k_1、活化能E_((?) ,1)及频率因子k_(0,1)。
- Anderson G W. A Burning Rate Model for Charring Materials[Z]. Gaitherburg:1997. 未定义类型作者.题名(正体,实词首字母大写)[Z].;出版地:出版者;出版年
- This is very significant to both determining the rate constant and estimating the activation energy. 这对于求反应速率常数和估计反应的活化能都具有重要意义。
- The mechanism of the burning rate reduction of dihydroxyglyoxime (DHG) was analyzed. 进行了燃烧性能的测定 ,并对 DHG的降速机理进行了分析
- The effective diffusion coefficient and rate constant of intraparticle transport were calculated. 求出了颗粒内有效扩散系数和颗粒内扩散速率常数。
- The results show that PDADN can increase burning rate and energy of nitramine modified double base propellant. 结果表明添加叠氮酸酯是一种提高硝胺改性双基推进剂燃速与能量的切实可行途径。
- With the seawater salinity increasing,the degradation rate constant of substrate drops. 随着污水中海水比例的增大,基质降解速率常数逐渐变小。
- The hi-tech bubble burst in 2000 was attributed to the high burn rate incurred by IT upstarts. 2000年所出现的高科技泡沫爆破是因为某些资讯科技新贵在公司成立时投资损耗过高。