- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- A cigarette burn in the tablecloth. 桌布上被香烟燃坏的地方
- A friction match with a large head capable of burning in a wind. 耐风大头火柴一种能够在风中燃烧的通过磨擦点火的大头火柴
- I can smell something burning in the kitchen. 我闻到厨房里有什么东西烧着了。
- The king was burned in effigy by the angry mob. 国王的模拟像被愤怒的民众烧掉以泄心中的愤恨。
- A light was burning in the window. 窗口有盏灯在发光。
- Two day's abstinence had set it burning in fury. 两天的克制使它变成了熊熊烈火。
- The burning in his belly died down. 他肚子里火烧的感觉减退了。
- I smelt something burning in the next room. 我闻到隔壁有东西烧着了。
- The devils burn in the heat of our fire. 恶魔在我们的火焰中燃烧。
- If you play with fire,you'll get burn in the event. 你如果玩火,到头来总会被灼伤。
- A light was still burning in the bedroom. 卧室里依然亮着灯。
- A welcoming fire was burning in the fireplace. 壁炉里燃烧着暖融融的炉火。
- A single light burned in the empty house. 那所空房子里有一盏孤灯亮著。
- There was a smell of burning in the air. 空气中有一股烧东西的焦煳味。
- The night was burning in the hall. 大厅里守夜的灯光亮着。
- Bricks and earthware articles are baked in kilns. 砖和陶器都是在窑中烧成的。
- A single light was burning in the room. 房间里点着一盏孤灯。
- There has been no burning in epigastrium. 没有过上腹部烧灼感。
- Bricks and earthenware articles are baked in kilns. 砖及各种陶器是在窑中烧成的。