- burning torch flame 割枪火焰
- His emblems are the spear and the burning torch. 他佩带的徽记是长矛和燃烧着的火炬。
- His emblems are the spear and the burning torch; His chosen animals are haunters of the battle field, -- the vulture and the dog. 他佩带的徽记是长矛和燃烧着的火炬; 他的爱畜是兀鹰和猎犬---两种战场上的常客。
- Cupola lighters. Use a small amount of compressed air to entrain gas at mixer. Gives a hard, sharp, torch flame. 钟状火山引燃器。使用小量压缩空气使得燃气进入混合器。产生强烈的,急速的,火炬火焰。
- Chinese embassy staffs hold a welcome banner and flags as the Olympic torch flame arrives at Haneda Airport in Tokyo Friday morning, April 25, 2008. 日本东京羽田机场,中国使馆工作人员打出欢迎奥运圣火的横幅和旗帜。
- His emblems are the spear and the burning torch; His chosen animals are haunters of the battle field,-- the vulture and the dog. 他佩带的徽记是长矛和燃烧着的火炬;他的爱畜是兀鹰和猎犬---两种战场上的常客。
- In addition, the tempering is a welding torch flame from the catheter to the acetylene and acetylene cylinders, generators and so on back to the phenomenon of channeling. 此外,回火是焊接火焰自焊炬向乙炔导管及乙炔气瓶、发生器等回窜的现象。
- Instead of basking in the sunshine under a clear sky, he holds a burning torch in the darkness of night to illuminate people's way so that they can continue their journey till they see the dawn of a new day. 他并不躺在晴空下享受阳光,却在暗夜里燃起火炬,给人们照亮道路,使他们走向黎明。
- In the evening, people hold burning torches, sing and dance, stay up all the night. 夜晚,人们举着熊熊的火把,通宵达旦,载歌载舞。
- Men struggled together for the same gun and ran into each other with their burning torches. 他们拿着熊熊的火把奔来奔去,几乎你撞倒我,我撞倒你,费尽了劲,却奔向同一支枪。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- The burning coals started to flame yellow and orange. 燃烧著的煤开始发出了黄色与橙色的火焰。
- The IOC guests were driven in a fleet of taxis to the Palace, which had been floodlit for the occasion, and through the Grand Entrance lit by burning torches. 来自国际奥委会的客人们被出租车队送进了白金汉宫。为了这次盛宴,白金汉宫被装点得灯火辉煌。宫殿入口处的整个前厅都被熊熊燃烧的火炬照亮。
- Loved one, there is no distinction between success and failure and evaluation, only feel the warmth of life left, like burning torches lit up the rest of his life. 爱过一个人,没有成功和失败的区分和评价,只有感觉生命中留下的温暖,像燃烧的火把,照亮余生。
- A torch is used to kindle the flame. 用一支火炬点燃圣火。
- He ran into an old flame of his at the supermarket. 他在超级市场碰见了他的一个老相好。
- I add the coal on the flame continuously. 我不断朝火里添加煤炭。
- Shanghai Special Olympics World Summer opening: the main torch flames burning 上海世界夏季特奥会开幕:主火炬熊熊燃烧
- Billows of flame swept through the forest. 熊熊烈火席卷森林。
- He was trapped in a burning house. 他被困在正在燃烧的房屋里。