- Did one of the solid rocket boosters somehow burn through its casing? 是否是其中一个助推火箭的外壳因某种原因被烧穿?
- I am so in love with my wife and can feel it burning through my heart! 我太爱我妻子了,我感觉这种爱刻骨铭心!
- Shrapnel-shredded calf burns through my boot. 开花弹撕成碎片的小牛燃烧过我的长靴。
- If you make only a few calls each month, these fees can quickly burn through your money. 如果您每月只打数个电话,这些费用会迅速耗光您的钱。
- A vessel containing oil or alcohol burned through a wick for illumination. 酒精灯一种装有油或酒精并通过灯芯燃烧来照明的容器
- US Forest Service Hotshot crew members watch flames burn through trees during the Fire burning near Lake Hughes July 16, 2004. 7月16日,救火队员在美国莱克休斯附近观察火势。
- Inside, protesters regroup and rearm around bonfires that burn through the night. 而进入这一地区后,抗议者们在彻夜长燃的篝火前组织起来,并重新武装。
- You MUST Ignite a FIRE in your Network MarketingA BLAZING Fire thatgwill burn through ALL obstacles. 熊熊燃烧的大火;将透过一切障碍.
- Abstract Aim at actual complicacy and difficulty of BTP (Burning Through Point) control,a prediction system of neural network has been developed. 摘要 针对现场烧结终点控制复杂与难度大的实际,开发了神经网路预报系统。
- This candle was lit on September 15, 1998. Please continue it to burn through circulates for perusal this article to love at least person to you. 这根蜡烛1998年9月15日被点燃了。请经由传阅这篇文章至少到您所爱的一个人让它继续燃烧。
- Pentecostalism is not only burning through the “cities of the dispossessed”.It is also consuming the elites of the developing world. 五旬节派信仰不仅仅深入到“一无所有者的居住区”,它也吸收了发展中国家的精英分子。
- Both systems contain supermassive stars that are quickly burning through their hydrogen fuel, emitting large amounts of light and heat. 这两个恒星系统都包含了特大质量恒星,其通过快速的氢燃烧,放射出巨大的光和热。
- A majority of the dot-coms ceased trading after burning through theirventure capital, many having never made a netprofit. 大多数网络公司停止了交易燃烧后通过其风险资本,许多人从来没有净利润。
- This Law shall not apply to the utilization of straws or stalks, firewood or dung in the form of direct burning through an inefficient cooking range. 通过低效率炉灶直接燃烧方式利用秸秆、薪柴、粪便等,不适用本法。
- The remaining intensity factors of the pipe are obtained to judge if the wellbore is burn through according to the result of calculation. 研究表明,随着流速的增大,焊缝位置处外壁上的峰值温度无明显变化,而内壁上的峰值温度随之下降;
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- At times a flick of self-preservation burned through the fog of reverie. 有时求生本能的火花也会在梦幻的浓雾中突然闪烁一下。
- Let this Flame burn through all obstacles to your evolution, freeing you from lifetimes of accumulated debris and lesser energies, freeing you to go forward. 让此火焰点燃,通过所有阻碍你进化的一切,把你从碎片和次要能量堆积的生命时代中释放出来,让你自由前进。
- For the iron ore sintering process in a sintering plant, this paper establishes a soft-sensor measurement model of burning through point by exploiting the bellow temperature. 摘要针对某烧结厂的烧结过程,建立了基于风箱废气温度的烧结终点软测量模型。
- Predicted models of rising position of gas temperature, burn through point, vertical sintering speed, and so on, are established using dada analysis method. 采用数据分析的方法建立了废气温度上升点、烧结终点、垂直烧结速度等参数的预报模型;