- burning sensation of urination 小便灼热
- It is thought the burning sensation of the chilli pepper is an evolutionary ploy to stop mammals eating them. 有人认为,辣椒味道刺激,这可能是辣椒保护自己不被哺乳动物吃掉的一种“进化”的策略。
- It is concern the burning sensation of the chilli pepper is an evolutionary ploy to stop mammals eating them. 有人以为,辣椒味道刺激,这估计是辣椒保护本人不被哺乳动物吃掉的一种“进化”的策略。
- Ancient cultures used the spice as an antiseptic and to treat cholera and bronchitis. It is thought the burning sensation of the chilli pepper is an evolutionary ploy to stop mammals eating them. 在古代,辣椒还被用作防腐剂、治疗霍乱和支气管炎。有人认为,辣椒味道刺激,这可能是辣椒保护自己不被哺乳动物吃掉的一种“进化”的策略。
- Ancient cultures used the spice as an antiseptic and to treat cholera and bronchitis.It is thought the burning sensation of the chilli pepper is an evolutionary ploy to stop mammals eating them. 古时候,人们用辣椒作为抗菌剂来治疗霍乱和支气管炎,他们认为辣椒带来的灼烧感可以防止细菌侵蚀患者,并认为这是一种先进的方法。
- He had a sensation of dizziness. 他有一种晕眩的感觉。
- burning sensation of five centres 五心烦热
- Skeletons give a sensation of fear. 骷髅给人以恐惧之感。
- Burning sensation of mucous membrane 粘膜烧灼感
- I feel pain toward the end of urination. 排尿结束时疼。
- Those that do may experience irritation inside the penis, mild discharge, or a slight burning sensation after urination or ejaculation. 也有可能表现为**内炎症、轻度分泌物、或在排尿、射精时有轻微烧灼感。
- It produced a burning sensation in my arm. 这让我的胳膊像火烧一样疼痛。
- I felt a sensation of happiness. 我感觉到一种幸福感。
- The pain gives me a burning sensation. 像灼烧一样地疼。
- He had the eerie sensation of being watched. 他不安地感到有人在监视他。
- P: It gives me a burning sensation. 象烧灼一样地疼。
- The sensation of having been stung by nettles. 刺痒用荨麻刺激产生的感觉
- Yes. And I have a sensation of nausea. 是
- I had a sensation of falling, as if in a dream. 我有一种坠落的感觉,像在梦中似的。
- Sugar gives a sensation of sweetness. 糖给人甜的感觉。