- Here is where a BURNING DESIRE will come to your aid. 这就该是沸腾的渴望派上用场的时刻了。
- You see,true learning takes energy,passion,a burning desire. 真正的学习需要精力、激情和热切的愿望。
- Two surgeries He has a burning desire to become a doctor. 他很渴望想当医生。
- You see, true learning takes energy, passion, a burning desire. 真正的学习需要精力、激情和热切的愿望。
- They did not tell, they catalyzed a burning desire to know. 他们并不灌输知识,而是激起学生求知的热望。
- The difference between a wisha burning desire is crucial. 愿望和炽热理想之间的区别是很关键的。
- He had a burning desire to win back his father's love and confidence. 他强烈希望能重新赢得他父亲对他的爱和信任。
- They did not tell,they catalyzed a burning desire to know in students. 他们并不灌输知识,而是激起学生求知的热望。
- A burning desire for sth. 对某事物的强烈的欲望
- A burning desire; a passion. 热量燃烧的欲望; 激情
- The pendulum has swung and people are exhibiting greater open-mindedness and a burning desire to detemine their own destiny . 舆论发生了剧变,人们表现出更开放的思想以及决定他们自己命运的强烈愿望。
- "I've never had a burning desire to get ahead in Hollywood," he told Empire in 2002. 2002年,他对《帝国》杂志表白:“我从来没有渴望过在好莱坞出人头地。”
- Edward's cold temperament could not satisfy her burning desires. 爱德华冷冰冰的气色已不能满足她燃烧着的热望。
- The pendulum has swung and people are exhibiting greater open-mindedness and a burning desire to detemine their own destiny. 舆论发生了剧变,人们表现出更开放的思想以及决定他们自己命运的强烈愿望。
- Belonging to the two people in the world live in wanton enjoy fun, the burning desire of your heart. 在属于两个人的世界里恣意享受生活的乐趣,燃烧你心底的渴望。
- Success is focusing the full power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve. 成功就是将你全部的力量集中在你渴望实现的某个目标上。
- Researchers found that women are overcome by a burning desire to share gossip as soon as they hear it. 研究人员发现,女人被一听到流言就迫不及待地想要分享的强烈欲望所征服。
- But the few students, artists and writers who were left after the purge, retained their burning desire to destroy Hitlerism. 但少数幸存的学生、艺术家、作家仍保持着摧毁希特勒主义的炽烈愿望。
- Go through the motions of driving that car or wandering about that house.Do not hesitate ho use your imagination to fuel your burning desire. 你可以模仿 驾着那辆华贵汽车的动作,或想像那栋房子的美丽,别吝惜用你的想像力来强化你的欲望。