- Burn In testing utilized the Burn-inOvens supplied by KES, Final Test was performed by the J750 Tester manufacturedby Teradyne as well as the UTS handler. 老化试验采用KES公司生产的Burn In炉,产品测试使用Teradyne公司生产的J750测试系统和UTS测试机以及失效分析实验室里的各种试验仪器等。
- A cigarette burn in the tablecloth. 桌布上被香烟燃坏的地方
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- Sekiba, T., 1992, "Handler used in testing system for semiconductor devices",U.S.Patent No.5,148,100. 魏增基,林政铭,张雯尧,1995,”积体电路自动分类机钳夹装置”,中华民国专利,公告编号262170。
- System in test, reception may be temporarily interrupted. 系统进行测试,间中暂停接收。
- The king was burned in effigy by the angry mob. 国王的模拟像被愤怒的民众烧掉以泄心中的愤恨。
- The devils burn in the heat of our fire. 恶魔在我们的火焰中燃烧。
- If you play with fire,you'll get burn in the event. 你如果玩火,到头来总会被灼伤。
- Precise triggering is important in test system development to ensure synchronization between the switch system and other instruments in the system, such as sources and measuring devices. 在测试系统开发中,为确保开关系统和系统中其它仪器的同步,例如源和测量装置,精确触发是非常重要的。
- Let the lamp burn in the lonely house. 让灯盏在空屋里点着。
- Ancient fires still burn in these depths. 古代大火仍在燃烧这些深度。
- The new drug has performed well in tests. 那种新药试验效果不错。
- The Development Of Web Test System Based On ASP. 技术的网络考试系统的开发。
- Remove power from the test system. 断开测试系统的电源。
- Daily maintenance for the test device in test lab. 试验室测试设备的日常维护。
- Air contains oxygen, and the hot tungsten could burn in it. 空气中有氧气,在氧气里热钨丝会燃烧起来。
- The API-ZYM test system is a standardized. API-ZYM实验是一种标准的试验手段。
- A single light burned in the empty house. 那所空房子里有一盏孤灯亮著。
- Abstract: The application of multipprocess in testing systems is introduced and the implementation of ring buffer area for sharing between each process by using DLL is described. 文摘:介绍了多进程在测试系统中的应用以及如何通过DLL在各个进程之间实现共享的环形缓冲区。
- Install sight tube in test cock 3. 在测试旋塞3号上安装观察管。