- Do not allow a candle to burn down completely. 别让蜡烛完全熄灭了。
- She was reading by the light of a candle. 她在蜡烛光下读书。
- A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己。
- The light of a candle is dimmed by sunlight. 烛光在日光下显得很黯淡。
- The little girl burnt a candle. 那个小女孩点燃了一支蜡烛。
- Burning a candle makes light. 燃烧蜡烛会产生光线。
- We burn a lot of trash. More smoke and soot. 我们烧掉许多垃圾,烟灰就增多了。
- She is pretty good, but she can't hold a candle to her mother. 她相当不错,但还不能与他母亲相比。
- He climbed into a cave and with the help of a candle he saw into it. 他爬进一个山洞,借助一根蜡烛,他看清了洞里面。
- A teacher's work is often compared to a candle. 教师的工作常被比作蜡烛。
- Don't let your money burn a hole in your pocket. 不要留不住钱。
- The light of a candle is dimmed by electric light. 烛光与电灯光相比,前者就显得暗淡无光了。
- That's how to burn a data disc using Windows Vista. 这就是如何使用Windows Vista刻录数据光盘。
- IF you want to burn a few extra calories, laugh. 如果你想多消耗一些卡路里,那就开怀大笑吧!
- A single spark can burn a forest. 星星之火;可以燎原.
- She would wither and flicker out like a candle. 她会象烛光似的越来越黯淡和微弱。
- The Burn a Disc dialog box will appear. 刻录光盘的对话框出现。
- Burn some incense or sage and light a candle if you so wish. 如果希望就点燃一些熏香或蜡烛。
- He burned a hole on the ironing board. 他把熨衣板烧了一个洞。
- Let's watch TV with a candle on. 咱们点上蜡烛看电视吧。