- Cover with a heavy burlap sack to protect the top of it. 封面以沉重的麻布袋子顶部有保障。
- We follow, holding our shoes and equipments( a hatchet, a burlap sack) above our heads. 我们跟随着,把鞋和装备(一把斧子、一条麻布袋)举过头顶。
- Last week we told you the tale of the poor pink Nano, which took a cycle through my washing machine and came out dead, like a kitten flopping lifeless from a sodden burlap sack. 于是,很多媒体都请小强老师做参谋,比如有的杂志要创刊啦,要改刊啦,要复刊啦,都会问问小强有什么高见。
- Insane with fury, he yanked White Thief Seven from his cozy nest, shoved him into a burlap sack, tied it shut tightly, and carried it to the river bank, where he threw it into the river. 叔叔羡慕得不断央求他:“我老得快进棺材了,也没见识过龙宫,你就让我去玩一会吧!”白贼七装着很勉强地答应了。
- There's just three burlap sacks in here. To which his partner replies... 这里只有三个麻袋,他的一个搭档说。
- Men wrapped their feet in burlap sacks, when available, but the burlap soaked up the snow, so the boots got soggy, the socks got wet. 兵们用麻布袋子缠裹脚足,这法子有时候管用,只是麻布吸收雪水,所以靴子袜子都也给弄得透湿。
- Pirates say the ransom arrives in burlap sacks, sometimes dropped from buzzing helicopters, or in waterproof suitcases loaded onto tiny skiffs in the roiling, shark-infested sea. 有些海盗说,赎金会装成麻袋送来,有时会从嗡嗡的直升机丢下,或放在防水提箱中(在波涛汹涌和鲨鱼出没的海上,小型快艇会给送来)。
- Man, I'm beat. I'm going to hit the sack. 天啊,我累死了。我要去睡觉了。
- The Devil said. "For a trick like that I'm going to murder you on the spot and drag your soul to hell in a burlap sack!" 魔鬼说,"就凭这个花招,我现在就杀了你,再把你的灵魂装在麻袋里一路拖到地狱里去!"
- The poor old sod got the sack yesterday. 那个可怜的家伙昨天给辞退了。
- the Devil said."For a trick like that I'm going to murder you on the spot and drag your soul to hell in a burlap sack!" 魔鬼说,"就凭这个花招,我现在就杀了你,再把你的灵魂装在麻袋里一路拖到地狱里去!"
- Now, as to vegetable, give me a sack of potato. 至于蔬菜么,就给我一袋土豆吧。
- This sack of potatoes is five kilos light. 这袋土豆少五公斤。
- He tumbled his clothes and books into a big sack. 他把他的衣服和书胡乱装进一只大口袋。
- He hiked up a sack of grain on his shoulder. 他把一袋粮食举上肩。
- If you're late again, you'll get the sack. 如果你再迟到就会被解雇。
- He got the sack for petty thieving. 他因微小窃盗遭到了解雇。
- An empty sack cannot stand upright. [谚]空袋子,立不直。
- Every horse thinks his sack heaviest. 每匹马都认为自己驮的袋子最重。
- The sack of cement hit the ground with a thump. 水泥袋砰的一声落在地上。