- The study was recently posted on the Web site of the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research. 这项研究最近发表在权威的国家经济研究局网站上。
- NTU Professor of Finance, MIT; Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research. 现任教于美国麻省理工学院、美国国家经济研究局研究员。
- Edwards,L.and Grossman,M.:Children's Health and the Family,NBER Working Papers 0256,National Bureau of Economic Research Inc.,1978. 该部分所使用数据均依据2000年中国健康与营养调查数据计算得出.
- The National Bureau of Economic Research, the recognized arbiters for dating recessions, uses a more complicated formula. 国家经济研究局,这一公认的测定经济是否衰退的裁决者,采用了一个更为复杂的公式。
- Justin Wolfers, and released by the National Bureau of Economic Research, found the decline in happiness to be pervasive among women across a variety of demographic groups. 这项研究由宾夕法尼亚大学经济学家史蒂文森(BetseyStevenson)和沃尔弗斯(JustinWolfers)进行,由美国国家经济研究局(NationalBureauofEconomicResearch)公布。研究发现,在各类女性群体中,幸福感都普遍下降。
- National Bureau of Economic Research 国家经济调查局,国家经济研究所
- Bureau of Economic Analysis of U.S. 美国商务部经济分析局;
- New Zealand Institute of Economic Research Inc. 新西兰经济研究协会。
- 11 Dahl,G.B.and Lochner,L. 2005.The impact of family income on child achievement.National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 11279. 1史耀芳.;小学生学习能力性别差异之表现、成因及对策研究
- bureau of economic research 经济调查局
- This paper makes a scientific clarification about grain and food security and a detailed introduction about evaluation methodology of food security situation developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Economic Research Bureau of USDA. 本文对粮食安全的概念进行了梳理,全面介绍了联合国粮农组织和美国农业部的粮食安全评价指标体系和评价结果,对国内已有的研究成果进行了客观、具体的评价。
- The Bureau of Economic Analysis also carried out a comprehensive review of data, and revised GDP growth for 2008 down to 0.4%, from a previous 1.1%. 经济分析局也再次仔细审查了一系列综合的数据,并且将2008年GDP的增长率从之前的1.;1%25向下修正到0
- The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis tallies the money Americans have spent, adds exports and subtracts imports, then publishes a number. 美国政府经济局通过分析美国人的金钱支出记录,加上出口额再减掉进口额,然后公布一个数字。
- Foreign direct investment (FDI) is becoming one of the most heated topics in the field of economic research. 摘要外商直接投资已经成为当代经济学研究的热点之一。
- But this group did not always produce the index of leading economic indicators. It took over the job in 1995 from the bureau of economic analysis, part of the commerce department. 但是这个团体并不总是提供先行性指标总指数,它是于1995年接过经济分析局的工作的。经济分析局是商业部的一个分机构。
- U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services. Details may not equal totals due to seasonal adjustment and rounding. Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis. 包括货物和服务贸易。因季节调整的原因,各月合计数据不等于全年总计数据。资料来源:美国商务部普查局。
- Eric Fishwick, head of economic research at CLSA, said: "The fact that the PMI has bottomed is encouraging but should not be taken as evidence of recovery. 克里昂证券经济研究部主管斐思伟称:“事实上,PMI触底反弹的确是振奋人心的消息,可这并不意味着经济复苏。
- The course discusses basic econometric theories and methods of economic research with special reference to basic concepts of econometric methods and classical assumptions. 本课程介绍计量经济学的基本原理和方法,包括基本概念和基本假设和基本的模型设定。
- Above them was a central bureau of cooperatives. 它们的上面则是合作社总局。
- This book treats of economic problems. 这本书探讨经济问题。