- bundling and baling room 成纱间
- There's no electricity to the rivalry between Depp and Bale. 德普和贝尔之间没有敌对的电流。
- The hostage was bundled and gagged. 人质被捆住并堵住了口。
- The hostages are bundled and sopped up the mouth. 人质被捆住并堵住了口。
- The hostages was bundled and pluged up the mouth. 人质被捆住并堵住了口。
- The hostage is bundled and plugged up to his mouth. 人质被捆住并堵住了口。
- The hostage is bundled and pluged the mouth. 人质被捆住并堵住了口。
- Tie the paintbrushes up into bundles and put them away carefully. 把这些油刷子捆起一捆,小心放在一边。
- Stockwell's questions were met with silence and baleful stares. 斯托克韦尔不断地问他问题,可他默不作声,只是恶狠狠地盯着他。
- And they are surprisingly uniform, given that they begin as natural rubber and wool, which vary with every barge and bale. 虽然数目如此庞大,产品却出奇一致,尤其网球的原料还是天然橡胶和羊毛,每批往往都不一样。
- Valmet has developed a series of new technology from stock preparation to finishing and baling which can match with ultra_high speed paper machine. 维美德公司开发了从纸料制备到完成打包的一系列与之相适应的新技术。
- She took her silver dress from the bundle and shook out the folds. 她从小包里取出银礼服,抖开。
- Vector Bundles and the Differential: The Tangent Bundle. 向量丛和微分:切丛。
- The yellow man carried his bundle and his cudgel in his hand. 那个穿黄大衣的人,手里捏着他的棍子和包袱。
- Sec. 3 Except where such service is required as the result of carrier's negligence, all property shall be subject to necessary cooperage and baling at owner's cost. 所有货物都应作必要的捆绑,费用由货主承担,除了因承运人的过失而导致需作此种捆绑服务外。
- First class support for bundling and delivering static resources associated with a component: images, stylesheets, scripts, etc. 对绑定和分发与某个组件相关静态资源的良好支持,包括:图片、样式表、脚本等。
- All growers, the TIMB said, are urged to complete their grading and baling operations and to deliver their tobacco before the date of the clean-up sales. 烟草业营销委员会表示,所有的种植者,被敦促完成他们的分级和打包工作,在扫尾销售之前发出烟草。
- He took his bundle and his cudgel and jumped down from the vehicle. 他拿起他的包袱和棍子,跳下车。
- If only Depp and Bale had matched the fire in Cotillard's eyes before the credits rolled, "Public Enemies" might've really popped. 只要在电影鸣谢前,德普和贝尔在歌迪亚眼里已经交火,“全民公敌”可能真的已经被捕了。
- A storm rose, and we had to bale out our boat. 下起了暴风雨,我们不得不舀出船里的水。