- bundle of His deflection time 希氏束间期
- He collected a bundle of sticks. 他收集了一捆树枝。
- Lin Yutang is like "a bundle of contradictions",profound and complex with paradoxical nature and this determines the nature of his cultural thoughts. 林语堂是“一捆矛盾”,而且充满深刻复杂的悖论性质,这就决定了其文化思想的本质。
- By that time he had got over some of his agitation. 到这时候他激动不安的情绪已克服了一些。
- That child is a bundle of mischief! 那孩子是淘气包!
- In an old clothes basket, like a bundle of laundry, or groceries, the servant of Jesus Christ was dropped from the window and ignominiously fled from the hate of his foes. 你看被装在一只旧的衣筐里面!像一包送出去洗濯的衣服一般!耶稣基督的仆人竟这样坍台地从窗户口缒下去!
- A bundle of nerve fibers in a nerve trunk. 精索神经干上的一束神经纤维
- He spent much of his spare time roaming about the streets. 他把大部分的闲暇时间用来逛街。
- The poor chap was a bundle of nerves at the interview. 这小子在面试时紧张极了。
- He realized the dream of his life time. 他实现了他毕生的愿望。
- He likes to be sure of his bodily comforts. 他注重身体上的舒适。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- He sold a bundle of old magazines to the second hand bookstore. 他把一捆就杂志卖给了旧书店。
- He doesn't know how to dispose of his spare time. 他不知道怎样安排业余时间。
- The sheath of connective tissue enclosing a bundle of nerve fibers. 经来膜包裹住神经纤维的膜状结缔组织
- He had his bundle of papers in a bag slung across his shoulder. 他把那捆报纸塞在肩膀上斜挂着的袋子里。
- I saw a bundle of firewood on the floor. 我看见了一捆劈柴在地板上。
- By the time the dentist called me into his surgery I was a bundle of nerves. 牙医叫我走进他的手术室时,我非常害怕。
- She was a bundle of nerves before the audition. 面试前她极为紧张。
- No horse has a speed comparable to that of his. 没有一匹马的速度能比得上他的马。