- The farmers clipped the sheep 's wool. 农民们剪羊毛。
- Their only garment was a long habit of coarse undyed sheep’s wool, which led to their name of “White Monks”. 他们唯一的服装是一件长而粗糙且未染色的羊毛僧侣装,因而有"白和尚"之称 。
- He was John Bull in a Benedictine robe. 他是身穿贝尼蒂克教派长袍的英国人。
- A bull elephant was rampaging about in the jungle. 一头雄象在丛林里横冲直撞。
- His bull will come to serve our cows tomorrow. 明天我们用他的公牛与我们的母牛配种。
- The bull crashed about in the fence. 公牛在围栏里响声很大地走动。
- The Bull Team is made up of 15 players. 公牛队由十五个运动员组成。
- A round seal affixed to a papal bull. 印玺一个圆形的教皇的正式宣布训令或法令的封印
- Old Clubfoot wrenched the bull’s head to the side. 旧马蹄扳牛市的头部至一边。
- A sacred bull of the ancient Egyptians. 埃皮斯古希腊人崇奉的神牛
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他们在气候较暖的地方过冬。
- Her remarks were like a red rag to a bull: he was furious with her. 她的话惹得他对她暴跳如雷。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英语的复数名词多以“s”结尾。
- The sweater had shrunk after repeated washing(s). 这件套头毛衣洗过多次已缩水了。
- The papal succession; a papal bull. 教皇的世袭; 教皇的训令
- Some old folk(s) have peculiar tastes. 有些老人有特殊的爱好。
- Answer the following question(s). 回答下列问题。
- Most plural nouns in English end in s'. 英语的复数名词多以s结尾。
- The young bull horned the old cow out of the herd. 小公牛用角把老母牛从牛群中顶了出去。
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 这种药影响人精神不能集中。