- Time and climate fantasticated the cliffs. 时间和气候使这些悬崖峭壁变得千奇百怪。
- There may be an interaction between vegetation and climate. 在植被与气候间可能有某种交互作用。
- In my school, we have got building and playground. 在我们学校里,我们有大楼和操场。
- George: Well,what about the Building and Loan? 乔治:那么,那座大楼和贷款呢?
- The two leaders spent time discussing energy and climate change. 两国领导人还就能源与气候变化问题进行了探讨。
- The land between a building and the street. 临街的地界建筑物和街道之间的空地
- Pollution and climate change put the environment under pressure. 污染和气候变化给环境带来很大的压力。
- City gatehouse into the main building and wing. 大城门楼分为主楼和侧楼。
- She both built and endowed the hospital. 她不仅建了医院还给医院捐赠资金。
- The sun provides the energy which drives weather and climate. 太阳所提供的能量促使天气和气候的变化。
- Display hangar, workshop building and clubrooms. 展示飞机库、修理厂和俱乐部。
- Wheat is less demanding grain in regard to water, soil and climate. 小麦是对水土和气候不怎么苛求的谷物。
- KMD Building and Decorative Materials Co., Ltd. 卡睦德建筑装饰材料有限公司
- RSS, building and using a feed, step by step. 使用RSS,建立和使用饲料,一步一步来。
- Press F5 to build and deploy the project. 按F5以生成和部署该项目。
- Build and maintain personnel dossier for reference. 维护员工信息档案。
- You will then build and deploy it. 随后您将构造和部署它。
- Build and deploy it just like the Barracks. 然后就像兵营那样,建造并展开它。
- How do you build and maintain plans? 如何建立和维护应急管理计划?
- Build and maintain personnel training system. 形成和维护人员培训体系。