- building structure detail 建筑构造
- Safety control mechanism for building structure. 建筑结构安全控制机制。短句来源。
- The building structure is reinforced concrete. 建筑结构是钢筋混凝土。
- The building structure insures privacy and quietude. 那建筑物的结构保证具有隐密性和宁静。
- Thus, valuations based on the building structure will become important. 因此,根据建筑物结构而进行的估值日趋重要。
- There is still a danger that the considerable expansion will rupture the building structure. 危险仍然存在,因为相当强裂的膨胀,仍将使建筑结构遭到破坏。
- Understanding And Application of the New Codes of Building Structure (6 volumes)Gao Xiaowang, etc. 建筑结构新规范理解与应用(6册)
- Research on the seismic vulnerabilities of building structure is very important for the works of earthquake disaster preparedness and mitigation. 摘要研究房屋建筑易损性特性是防震减灾工作必不可少的环节之一。
- Set up and maintain virtual build structure in TcAE, including process flow, mathdata linkage, etc. 搭建并维护虚拟装配的结构,包括工艺流程,数模关联等。
- A further view shows some of the structural detail in the boom, which is constructed mostly of scale plastic shapes from an industrial model company. 另一种看法表明,一些结构性详细的蓬勃发展,这是建造的大多是规模形状的塑料从工业模型公司。
- Abstract: A method for reasoning engineering evaluation of building structure and estimating its overall safety. 文摘:提出了房层结构工程评估的推理方法和建筑物的整体安全评估方法。
- Unformatted or unstructured data are presented in a unit where the content cannot be retrieved by accessing any structural detail. 当把非格式化的或非结构化的数据存储在一个单元中时,其内容是不能通过访问任何结构细节来检索。
- We have a new paper out this week in JBC (The Journal of Biological Chemistry) that explains part of this regulation in great structural detail. 职能部门工作人员最好不进入这个委员会,只在必要时向委员会作出解释或提供咨询意见。
- Masonry structure which is one form building structure is popularly used in adopts, it applies with cheap in building. 摘要砌体结构是我国目前普遍采用的一种房屋建筑形式,它以价格低廉广泛被建筑界应用。
- Do not build structures, furniture, or dig trenches. 不要打造建物、家俱或挖渠。
- Relationships between the minor axis semidiameter and major axis semidiameter have been empirically determined for different structural detail geometries. 对于不同结构细节的几何形状,已经确定了短轴和长轴半径之间的关系。
- At least 3 years experience of detailing design in PEB industry with the maintenance system of building structure. 3年以上预制钢结构建筑详图设计的经验,熟悉建筑围护系统。
- The whole hall is a typical “After Antechamber together,” the building structure. 整个厅堂是典型的“前厅后堂”的建筑格局。
- Church of the building structure is: positive for a towering two-Jianshi tall tower, blue sky Tajian line. 教堂的建筑结构是:正面为一对巍峨高耸的双尖石塔,塔尖直插蓝天。