- building language form 建筑语言形式
- Xiehouyu (two-part allegorical saying) is a pupolar language form. 摘要歇后语又叫俏皮话,是一种来自于民间,百姓喜闻乐见的语言形式。
- Poetry of any languages first all exists because of its language form. 摘要任何语言的诗歌首先都是因其语言形式而存在的。
- It also emphasizes the importance of language form and practice before the tasks. 强调了语言形式及任务执行前语言操练的重要性。
- Semantics: The study or science of meaning in language forms. 语义学,以语言形式表示意思的研究或科学。
- Through translators efforts,the beauty of the source language form can reappear in the translated works by the target language form. 同时又通过例证说明了语言的不可译也非绝对的不可译,在译者的努力下,可以以译文自身的语言形式美再现原文的形式美。
- Everything that is or can be organized under the language form (verbal or not) its considered as a semiotics study object. 任何能以语言形式表达的事物(包括口头及非口头的)都被认为是符号学研究的对象。
- Words person, if only obtains from the spoken language form itself, then often cannot extrapolate the information the substantive content. 受话人如果仅从言语形式本身入手,则往往不能推测出信息的实质内容。
- According to Thoth, the divine language form represented in the Alphabet of the Ark, is contained within the matrix of this greater Archangelic flame script. 根据透特的解释,神性语言形态排列表现在圣经方舟字母表里,就隐藏在更高尚的大天使光芒卷能量矩阵里面。
- It is superficial faithfulness.When language form and spirit contradict, the translator should be faithful to the later and thus be inevitably treasonous to the former. 忠实应指向忠实原作的精神和丰姿,虽然这种真正意义的忠实有可能在译作的文字的形式层面上对原作有所叛逆。
- Abstract: The appearance of dissyllabic words in Chinese history which is a phenomena of lexicalization implies the weakening of grammaticalization in language form. 摘要:汉语历史上双音词的产生所体现的由句法到词法的变化实际上是一种类似语法化的语言形式的理据性减弱的变化过程。
- He subdivided the farm into building lots. 他把农地再分为若干块的建筑用地。
- Penman choose three essentials: composition , artistic language form and artistic conception through three picture of NSA's delegates to elaborate attempt it's artistic language form . 文章选取构图、艺术语言构成形式和意境这三个要点,通过三块具有代表性的画像石,对其艺术语言进行尝试性阐释;
- Behaviorists attempted to define the meaning of a language form as the "situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer." This theory, somewhat close to contextualism, is linked with psychological interest. 语义的行为主义论和语义的语境论有相似之处,它也把语义放到语境中去研究,但它更注重人的心理活动,认为语言的意义存在于语言使用者在交际过程中对听到话语的反应。
- The police found the wandering boy in a deserted building. 警察在一栋废弃的楼里找到了这个流浪的男孩。
- The use of natural language interfaces allows the user to manipulate and request information from a human resource information system by using a language form close to common speech. 自然语言界面的使用,允许用户操纵信息,并通过使用一种接近共同语言的语言形式从人力资源信息系统请求信息。
- The building fell with a crash as loud as thunder. 建筑物轰隆一声倒塌了,声如雷鸣。
- Police sealed off all the exits from the building. 警方把建筑物的所有出口都封锁住了。
- I know all the ins and outs of our school building. 我知道我们教学大楼的一切情况。
- She considers these graffiti are a language form appropriate for record in her trip.The graffito is not a complete artistic creation, but is an artistic reflection of the artist's true feeling. 这些涂鸦作品是她认为在旅行中比较适合记录的一种语言形式,它虽然不是一件完整的艺术创作,但是艺术家真实感受的一个艺术体现。