- Tagline: If Voldemort's building up an army, then I want to fight. 经典台词:如果伏地魔组建了军队,那么我就要投入战争了。
- If Voldemort's building up an army, then I want to fight. 如果伏地魔组建了军队,那么我就要投入战斗了。
- With the help of Ulic Qel-Droma, the Krath illusionist Aleema, and the warlord Mandalore they built up an army that rivaled the Republic's own. 在尤里克奎尔-德罗马,和克拉斯星的幻术师阿里玛,以及曼德罗里安军阀的帮助下,他们建立起一支能与共和国匹敌的军队。
- The facts added together to build up an indisputable theory. 这些事实综合起来,构成了一个无可争辩的理论。
- It is hoped that by 2005,the end of China's 10th Five-Year Plan,China will have built up an army of skilled professionals strong enough to make a success of the country's western development strategy and the region's rapidly progressing economy. 预计到2005年底、也就是“十五计划”结束时,中国将会形成一支强大的专业技术队伍,成功地实施西部开发战略,实现这一地区经济的飞速发展。
- How to build up an enterprise's culture? 如何创立企业的文化?
- They're trying hard to build up an independent economy. 他们正在努力建设起独立的经济。
- To build up an earth observation system for long-term stable operation. 建立长期稳定运行的卫星对地观测体系。
- They built up an earthen dam in time. 他们及时地建起了土坝。
- The team built up an impregnable 5-1 lead. 这个队以 5:1 的绝对优势领先。
- build up an army 建立军队
- Pike Militia are peasants who have been levied into a militia, a type of reservists, to bolster up an army or to defend and patrol roads and towns. 长枪民兵式被招为民兵的农民,某种后备部队,用来掩护军队和在城镇和道路上防卫、巡逻。
- Phoenician prince who killed a dragon and sowed its teeth, from which sprang up an army of men who fought one another until only five survived. 卡德摩斯:腓尼基王子,他杀死了一条龙并将其牙齿撒开去,牙齿撒到的地方突然出现一队人马,互相攻打,直到仅有五人幸存方才罢休。
- She has built up an enviable reputation as a harpist. 她已经成为一名颇有名望的竖琴演奏家。
- Focus on institutional innovation and build up an effective leadership structure and organizational guarantees. 注重机制创新,建立行之有效的领导和组织保障体系。
- Cadmus was a phoenician prince who killed a dragon and sowed its teeth, from which sprang up an army of men who fought one another until only five survived. 卡德摩斯:腓尼基王子,他杀死了一条龙,并将龙的牙齿撒在地上变成一队人马。这队人马相互较量直到只剩下五个人才罢手。
- The Chinese government has also worked hard in helping to build up an international environment wherein intellectual property rights in integrated circuits are protected. 中国政府积极促进建立集成电路国际保护的环境。
- But in spite of all such measures the men, who had made up an army, flowed about the wealthy, deserted city, so richly provided with luxuries and comforts. 但无论采取何种措施,从前组成一支军队的这伙人,仍然分散到拥有大量物资储备的富足而空无人迹的城市各处。
- Cognex builds up an enzyme that can lead to liver damage. Cognex会帮助生成一种导致肝损伤的酶。
- We are building up an urban commune in Berlin, Germany. 我们正在德国柏林创建一个反法西斯公社。