- It takes a lot of labor to build a railway. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。
- It takes a lot of labour to build a railway. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。
- A:Building a railway across the Prairies to the Pacific coast. 兴建一条横越草原地区及太平洋海岸的铁路。
- They have contracted to build a railway across Africa. 他们已签约承建一条横跨非洲大陆的铁路。
- An affiliate of South Korea"s Posco, the world"s third-largest steelmaker, said it"s in talks about a contract to build a railway line in Nigeria. 作为韩国浦项钢铁公司的子公司,世界第三大钢铁生产厂浦项工程和建筑公司表示,公司正在就为尼日利亚建设铁路制造铁轨的合同进行谈判。
- Building a railway across the Prairies to the Pacific coast. 与建一条横越草原地区及太平洋海岸的铁路。
- Hundreds of workers came that humid summer to build a railway bridge across the Keelung River; among them a Cantonese man who had panned for gold in California. 在那个湿热的夏季,数百名工人前来建造横跨基隆河的铁桥,其中有一名广东工人曾在加利福尼亚淘过金。
- We achieved the dream of building a railway in the frigid zone. 我们实现了在高寒地区修建铁路的梦想。
- The gifts to him would have filled a railway car. 送给他的礼物将会装满一节火车车皮。
- It is a world wonder to build a railway in the most frigid area of frozen soil with the highest elevation and most fragile ecological environment. 在世界上海拔最高,最高寒缺氧,生态最为脆弱的多年冻土带上建铁路,这是世界奇迹。
- Many sleepers were fixed on a railway. 一条铁路上有许多固定了的枕木。
- By our building a railway there, people can carry coal from the mountains. 由于在那里建了铁路,人们可以把山里的煤运走了。
- Best thing would be to build a fire. 最好是生一堆火。
- Yunnan gentry also built up their railway company, through which they hoped to build a railway by themselves. 滇省绅士也应时而起,创建了滇蜀滇路公司,试图通过滇省自己的力量来修筑铁路。
- A railway train carrying goods only. 货车仅用于载货物的火车
- He was appealing for funds to build a new school. 他在恳求拨款修建一所新学校。
- Yunnan gentry also built up their railway company,through which they hoped to build a railway by themselves. 滇省绅士也应时而起,创建了滇蜀滇路公司,试图通过滇省自己的力量来修筑铁路。
- They are said to build a hospital here. 据说他们要在这里盖一家医院。
- He laid big stones at his house and began to build a pigsty. 他把大石块堆在房子前开始垒猪圈。
- The design was to build a new library. 计划是建造一个新图书馆。