- Of these, Sanskrit (ancient Nepalese), the Mongolian and Tibetan, Buddhist text is the "六字truth. 其中,有梵文(古尼泊尔文)、蒙文和藏文,文字的内容是佛教的“六字真言”。
- Formerly known as "Sakyamuni Pagoda Buddhist text," Xianxian city is located in the northwest corner of the original "open Shofukuji Numbers". 原名“释迦文舍利宝塔”,位于景县城内西北角原“开福寺”内。
- The manuscripts of Buddhist texts from Dunhuang Caves Temple. 甘肃敦煌写经。
- It can be discerned that the efforts in digitalizing Buddhist texts have paid off. 由上所述可知,佛教典籍的数字化在世界各地都已有相当成效了。
- In the Buddhist texts, elaborate palaces of kings and houses of the wealthy are described as being embellished with wall paintings. 在佛教的文献中,精心制造的王宫和有钱人的住宅被描绘为用壁画来装饰墙壁。
- Their papers suggest an alternative context for understanding some parts of Buddhist texts, which may subvert and shake the traditional way of reading these creedal expressions. 排黑条款在蓝绿两大党立委联合放水之下功败垂成。
- A major figure in the revival of Buddhism in Tibet, he is known for his translations of Indian Vajrayana Buddhist texts and of mystical songs of the Indian tantric tradition. 是西藏佛教复兴的重要人物,以翻译印度金刚乘佛经和印度密宗传统的神秘歌谣闻名。
- The manuscripts, birchbark scrolls that looked like "badly rolled-up cigars" when first shown to the Library, are believed to be the earliest surviving Buddhist texts. 当首次陈列在图书馆的时候,这些发黄的手稿看起来像“严重卷曲的雪茄”,相信是最早幸存的佛教手稿。
- There is a strong relationship between the various forms of Sanskrit and the Middle Indo-Aryan" Prakrits", or vernacular languages( in which, among other things, most early Jain and Buddhist texts are written), and the modern Indo-Aryan languages. 形形式式的梵语同中古时代印度雅利安人的“古印度语”,或者说本国语言(多数耆那教和佛教文献也用这种语言书写)以及现代印度雅利安语有紧密的联系。
- There is a strong relationship between the various forms of Sanskrit and the Middle Indo-Aryan "Prakrits", or vernacular languages (in which, among other things, most early Jain and Buddhist texts are written), and the modern Indo-Aryan languages. 形形式式的梵语同中古时代印度雅利安人的“古印度语”,或者说本国语言(大多数耆那教和佛教文献也用这种语言书写),以及现代印度雅利安语有紧密的联系。
- The Asian Classics Input Project (ACIP) founded in 1986 by Geshe Michael Roach in collaboration with Tibetan refugees, is dedicated to digitally preserving the classical and sacred Buddhist texts. 亚洲古籍传入计画(ACIP)于1986年由GesheMichaelRoach和西藏难民所协同创设,专司将经典神圣的佛教经句以数位化方式加以保存。
- Do you mind reading hack the text of my message? 你把我的电文重念一遍,好吗?
- Religious books include Buddhist texts and devotional materials and are evidence of the spread of Buddhism from China into neighboring territories, and presumably also were influential in that effort. 宗教书籍包括佛经、祷告材料,其是佛教从中国传播到邻邦的证据,大概也是很有影响的。
- Kumarajiva, of the fifth century A.D., one of the greatest translators of the Buddhist texts into Chinese, said that the work of translation is just like chewing food that is to be fed to others. 公元五世纪的鸠摩罗什,是把佛经译为汉文的最大翻译家之一,他说,翻译工作恰如嚼饭喂人。
- Read the text first and then explain the new words. 先读课文,然后解释生词。
- The book contains scandalous text. 该书含有诽谤性的内容。
- You will find the text somewhere in the Bible. 你会在圣经里找到这段文章。
- She's a convinced Marxist, Buddhist, etc. 她是坚定的马克思主义者、 佛教徒等。
- The boy read out his text clearly. 这男孩清晰地朗读课文。
- Some Buddhist monks live in solitude as hermits. 有些和尚在僻静处隐居。