- bucking coil loud speaker 反感线圈扬声器
- Bob,that's our flight they're announcing over the loud speaker. 唐: 鲍勃,喇叭广播的是我们的班次。
- Bob, that's our flight they're announcing over the loud speaker. 唐:鲍勃,喇叭广播的是我们的班次。
- Night fell.From the loud speakers came local opera tunes. 夜色降临,喇叭里传来地方戏的曲调。
- The stormtrooper weapon is now differ, no more loud speaker weapon yep..... 呢个消息在820聚会时已经提及...新武器造型都不错...
- When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream.. 当大喇叭里开始播放告示的时候,保持一个胎儿的蜷曲状并且开始大叫,
- One Engine LeftA 747 was halfway across the Atlantic when the captain got on the loud speaker, "Attention, passengers. 一架747客机正在跨越大西洋时,喇叭里传来了机长的声音:“旅客们请注意,我们的四个引擎中有一个丢失了。
- After he had disappeared down the tunnel again, the loud speaker system played Kalinka in the habitual pre-match tribute to Abramovich. 当他再次消失、进入球员通道后,球场大广播系统放起格林卡舞曲,这是对阿布老板已成为惯例的感谢。
- My grandad didn't join due to health condition but we put him on my cellphone loud speaker to talk to our late grandma &grand grandma. 外公考虑到他的身体状况,没有去,但通过手机免提和已过世的外婆和曾祖母表了心意。
- Rice, C.W., and Kellogg, E.W., “Notes on the Development of a New Type of Hornless Loud Speaker,” JAIEE, Vol. 12, 1925, pp. 461-480. 林坤森,“电磁动力式激震器之设计与应用,”国立交通大学机械工程研究所硕士论文,新竹市,2003。
- Typically, there is one transmitter and five to ten pairs of receivers and bucking coils that are balanced to remove direct coupling. 典型的仪器具有一组发射线圈、五至十对接收线圈以及消除直接耦合的补偿线圈。
- At the L metro station in northern Paris, a loud speaker informs commuters trains were functioning sporadically, rather than not at all as it had as a few days before. 巴黎北部的L地铁站,一位工作人员正在大声的通知乘客,地铁和铁路正在少量运营,而非如几天前那样彻底不工作。
- He speaks into a loud speaker. 他对着麦克风讲话。
- He is always bucking about his experience. 他总是自吹自擂他的经历。
- announced over the loud speaker system. 发奖仪式举行的时间将由广播通告。
- The blare of the speaker burst upon our ears. 扩音器的噪音突然传进我们的耳中。
- Buck up! We're going to be late. 快点儿! 我们快要晚了。
- A loud noise from the street diverted my attention. 街上一阵喧闹声转移了我的注意力。
- The guest speaker will be our old friend John Lewis. 特邀演讲者将是我们的老朋友约翰。路易斯。
- You'd better buck the question on to Mr. Mailer. 你最好把这个问题交给梅勒先生去解答。