- Installation of bucket wheel machine at power plant 电厂斗轮机安装
- Test and Analysis of Dynamic and Static Stress on Bucket Wheel Machine 斗轮机静动态应力分析
- Design and Study of Bucket Wheel Machine Foundation for Large Ore Stacking Yard in Weak Ground 软弱地基条件下大型矿石堆场斗轮机基础的设计与研究
- Application of Plastic Drainage Board and Surcharge Preloading in Soft Clay Ground Treatment with Bucket Wheel Machine 塑料排水板超载预压在斗轮机软基处理中的应用
- The Maintenance and Replace of the Large Rotating Bearings Used for the Bucket Wheel Machine for Coal Conveying in the Thermal Power Plant 热电厂输煤斗轮机回转大轴承的检修与更换
- bucket wheel machine 斗轮机
- Presently the determination of bucket wheel diameter at home is touse the formulation proposed by O&K(D=10. 目前国内对斗轮直径的确定主要是采用德国O&K公司斗轮直径计算公式进行的,D为斗轮直径;
- In the bucket wheel stacker/reclaimer,the PLC,speed modulating by transducer,hydraulic driving,network controlling,etc. 斗轮堆取料机普遍采用PLC和变频器调速、液压驱动、网络控制等技术。
- The bucket wheel type stacker-reclaimer is the main mechanism designed for high-efficency handling mechanical system at the bulk cargostowage. 斗轮式堆取料机是散货堆场高效装卸机械化系统的主要机械。
- Given the working conditions for aluminia reclaiming, the QLQS2 double bucket wheel reclaimer exposes some drawbacks in the working process. 从氧化铝原料取料的工作条件出发,分析QLQS2型双斗轮取料机在工作中存在的缺陷,并阐述其技术改造方案及效果。
- In order to meet the safety requirement,a tripper car of bucket wheel stacker reclaimer is developed in the retrofit of coal yard. 针对江苏徐州发电有限公司原有4座煤场存煤量只有8天左右安全用煤,不能满足安全生产这一问题,结合煤场改造研制了一种新型的斗轮机全功能尾车。
- When the bucket wheel stacker and reclaimer is starting or working, it can find the coal and stack or reclaim automatically. 使斗轮机的在启动和正常的作业过程中,可以实现自动寻找煤堆,进行堆煤、取煤作业。
- In this paper, the computer vision(structured linght) is applied to the automation and control system of the bucket wheel stacker and reclaimer. 把计算机视觉的方法(结构光条法)运用到斗轮机的自动控制系统中。
- In order to solve the problem, the suitable vibration isolation cushions are then installed under the grinding wheel machine. 根据隔振理论和实际情况,选择了合适的隔振垫并进行了合理的安装。
- The webs have been designed In bulk solid handling equipment like stacker,bucket wheel reclaimer,belt conveyors,shiploader,shipunloader. 请各位关注:本站将不定期推出具有实用性的斗轮堆取料机(斗轮机),皮带运输机(皮带机),装船机、卸船机的技术文章
- With the new configuration of the looping elements and knitting method of the loop wheel machine,A new method to knit double yarn fabric is made. 通过成圈机件的重新配置,充分发挥台车编织技术的优点,找到了一种在台车上编织双纱织物的方法。
- Taking the 200,000 dwt Ore Wharf of Fangcheng Port as an example, this paper analyzes how to optimize the design for the bucket wheel stacker-reclaimer's rail foundation. 摘要以防城港20万吨级矿石码头工程为例,分析如何对斗轮堆取料机轨道基础进行方案优化。
- Fault Diagnosis System for whole set equipment has great importance in ensuring Bucket Wheel Stacker Reclaimer to run normally and improving its reliability and maintainability. 成套设备故障诊断系统对于保证斗轮机的正常运行,提高斗轮机的可 靠性和可维护性具有重要意义。
- With the example of Bucket Wheel Stacker Reclaimer, this paper discusses how to construct a fault diagnosis expert system for electromechanical devices. 将故障诊断专家系统中的诊断知识,由传统的故障诊断专家系 统中使用命题演算的产生式规则进行表达该谓由一阶谓词演算的方式 进行表达,从而使系统能够实现演绎推理。
- The paper expounds R&D and application of full-automated grab ship unloader, full-automated ship loader and full-automated bucket wheel stacker-reclaimer at Shanghai port. 摘要介绍了上海港研发并应用的全自动散货抓斗卸船机、全自动散货装船机和全自动斗轮堆取料机。