- brown colour glass 茶色玻璃
- Have not you get any brown colour in stock? 你们没有咖啡色备货吗?
- Her hair was short and of a middling brown colour. 她一头短发,呈淡棕色。
- The walls were a dead brown colour. 墙是暗褐色的。
- Put all those into a stewpan, with some water, and draw them down to a right brown colour. 把所有的菜放在炖锅里,加上水,用文火慢慢炖至浅棕色。
- The church's northeast window has beautifully coloured glass. 教堂朝东北的窗子是用精美的彩色玻璃镶嵌成的。
- The crude reds and greens and blues of that coloured glass held us there. 彩色玻璃天然的红色、绿色、蓝色把我们吸引在那里。
- Glass is coloured glass by endotherm, the energy-efficient, decorative effect is obvious. 因吸热玻璃是颜色玻璃,所以,在节能的同时,装饰效果也很明显。
- Shop Assistant: Here you are. Brown colour is very fashionable nowadayw. Do you like this pair? 给你,现在棕色很时髦,你喜欢这一双吗?
- "Like all coloured glass, it acquires its colour by the addition of metallic oxides to molten glass. 藉由加入氧化物以熔化金属的过程获得颜色。
- Put all those into a stewpan,with some water,and draw them down to a right brown colour. 把所有的菜放在炖锅里,加上水,用文火慢慢炖至浅棕色。
- The same dilution can occur with the chocolate brown colour and is usually called lilac. 巧克力()也同样会有变浅的情况,我们通常把那种颜色叫做淡紫色。
- The flame in the furnace can be looked at through coloured glasses. 可以通过有色眼镜观看高炉内的火焰。
- A basic variety of aluminium oride,brown colour,high hardness and great toughness. 刚玉的基本品种,棕褐色,硬度高、韧性大。
- Cameo glass: Glassware decorated with figures and forms in coloured glass carved in relief against a glass Background of a contrasting colour. 宝石玻璃: 用彩色玻璃雕刻的图案或造型装饰在色彩对比鲜明底色上的玻璃器皿。
- Bake in the center of the oven for 55 minutes until the cobs are a good rich brown colour and when tapped on the bottom, sound hollow. 放入中层烘焙55分钟直到其深金黄色,拍打面包底部,声音听起来是中空表示烤熟了。
- Accordingly, the building door window that coloured glass applies to the burning hot zone that wants daylighting to need heat insolation again already or outside wall body. 因此,有色玻璃适用于既需采光又需隔热的炎热地区的建筑物门窗或外墙体。
- Used alone, piperine and two of its derivatives stimulated pigmentation to an even, light brown colour within six weeks. 单独使用时,胡椒碱和胡椒碱的两种衍生物刺激了色素的形成,在六周内使皮肤肤色变为浅棕色。
- And optional woodiness lamp holder matchs the sitting room of Europe type style the desk lamp of unreal colour glass, crystal perhaps classical model desk lamp. 而欧式风格的客厅可选木质灯座配幻彩玻璃的台灯,或者水晶的古典造型台灯。
- "We are tired wearing the thick cotton brown colour uniform with a broad belt and plastic badges for several decades now," said R.K.Patel a senior police officer. 一名警官表示:“我们几十年来一直穿著那种上面带有宽带子和塑胶警徽的棕色厚棉布警服,真的是烦死人了。