- The girl fainted in the heat but she was soon brought round. 这个姑娘在暑热中昏倒了,但很快就被救醒。
- Three women fainted in the heat but were quickly brought round with brandy. 有三个女子中暑昏倒,全靠白兰地使她们很快苏醒过来了。
- The goods were brought round early this morning. 今天一大早,这些货物就被带来。
- He brought round the conversation to table tennis. 他把话题引到谈乒乓球上去了。
- Their performance brought round after round of applause. 他们的表演赢得一阵阵掌声。
- George fainted in the heat but was soon brought round. 乔治中暑了,但很快便恢复了知觉。
- Bring round To cause to adopt an opinion or take a certain course of action. 说服:使采用某项提议,使采取某种行动。
- He ordered his horse to be brought round at once, and taking leave of Boris coldly, he rode back. 罗斯托夫立刻吩咐仆人备马,冷淡地向鲍里斯告辞之后,便回到自己的住宅去了。
- The praises attending their behaviour secured and brought round by their aunt, served to strengthen them in believing they had no faults. 她们这种表现所赢得的夸奖,姨妈都听说了,又转告于她们,使她们更加相信她们十全十美。
- In the evening, while I was out, the little tailor brought round my coat and trousers, and because Sarah had not a shilling to pay for the pressing, he took them away again. 晚上在我外出时,小裁缝将我的外套和裤子送过来了,因为萨拉没钱支付一先令的熨费,他又把衣服拿走了。
- Coffee is brought round. 咖啡端上来了。
- Let's get the place cleaned up; the boss is bringing round a couple of big cheeses tomorrow. 让我们把这地方打扫干净,老板明天将带几个要人来访。
- He brought the discussion round to football. 他把讨论的话题转到足球上去了。
- That brought discredit on his name. 那件事使他的名誉受损。
- He brought the box of groceries in from the car. 他把一盒食品从汽车上拿进来。
- The battle finally brought the war to an end. 这一仗使这场战争终告结束。
- The worker brought a new scrapper with him. 那个工人随身带着一把新刮刀。
- The panel brought in a unanimous decision. 全体陪审员一致通过了一项决定。
- The postman has brought a parcel for you. 邮递员给你送来了一个包裹。
- Bring round: to persuade into a change of opinion 解释:使改变主张