- No need for greed or hunger. A brotherhood of man. 没有必要贪婪或饥渴.;一个人类的手足情谊
- You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. 煽动阶级仇恨不能够增进人类的手足之情。
- No need for greed or hunger, or brotherhood of men. 这样人们就不需要贪心、饥荒,或互结帮会。
- We talk easily with him until the rain begins. This is the brotherhood of man. 我们与他友好的交谈直至雨来这就是人类的兄弟情谊。
- The brotherhood of man on earth will be possible only on a base of kitsch. 地球上人的博爱将只可能以媚俗作态为基础。
- I realized quickly when I knew I should That the world was made up of this Brotherhood of man For whatever that means. 我早就知道这个世界是由裙带关系织成的网,无论那意味着什么。
- It is our privilege, as readers, to belong to the larger brotherhood of man which recognizes no national boundaries. 我们感到荣幸的是,作为广大读者,我们都从属于一个没有国家界线的、更为广阔的人类团体。
- They were said only to require acceptance of "the fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of Man, and the neighbourhood of Boston". 据说他们只要人们去接受“上帝的慈爱,人类的友爱和波士顿的乡谊”。
- Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, imagine all the people Sharing all the world. 想象世上没有私人财产,我怀疑你能否做到,没有贪婪或饥饿的需要,人类情同手足。想象世上全体人类,共享着这个世界。
- He believes in the brotherhood of all peoples. 他相信各民族间都应亲如兄弟。
- These are the principles upon which alone a new world recognizing the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God can be established. 只有凭借这些信条,人类才能建立起人人如手足、上帝如慈父的新世界。
- Do you think that organizations against the cruelty of man will bring love into being? Through legislation, can you bring about the brotherhood of man? 你认为一个反对人类残忍的组织能给人类带来爱吗?通过立法,你能够带来人类大团结吗?
- This is the brotherhood of man. 手足情谊般的人会来帮助我们.
- He firmly believed in the possibility of the brotherhood of man, united in the aim of supporting one another in the path of virtue.And freemasonry he pictured to himself as such a brotherhood. 他坚信,人们在通往美德的途中,以互相扶持为目的而和衷共济是切实可行的,他想象中的共济会就是如此的。
- The chief aim of man is not to get money. 人的主要目的并不是赚钱。
- He is not the kind of man I'd like to serve under. 我不喜欢在他这种人手下干事。
- In his books, he lays bare the foulness of man. 在他的著作中,他揭露人类的卑鄙。
- He predicated rationality of man. 他断言人是有理性的。
- A small party of men were told off for burial duty. 一小组人被分派去执行掩埋的任务。
- The poem depicts the Fall of Man. 该诗描述的是人类的堕落。