- Broken bricks were rammed down in the trench to make a base for the concrete. 沟内先倒了碎石,并加以夯实作为混凝土的基础。
- Broken brick road use, are relying on people to pick up or to break his own house after house, smashing the above banla brickbat, the drag on the road. 修路用的碎砖头,都是老百姓依靠捡拾或者自己家里破房子上面的半拉碎砖经过砸碎后,拉到公路上的。
- Uncovered many brick fragments, few hard pottery and porcelain fragments. The remain of cement mixed with broken brick for strengthen purpose was found. 出现不少砖瓦遗物,硬陶、瓷片数量较少,将砖块敲碎后混入水泥固化柱础遗迹。
- When the friends get to the burying-ground they hack an oblong hole a foot or two deep, dump the body in it and fling over it a little of the dried-up, lumpy earth, which is like broken brick. 当伙计们到达墓地的时候,他们就在地上掘一个椭圆形的一两英尺深的坑,把尸体扔进去,再用一些大块干燥、像被弄断的砖块一样的土疙瘩埋在上面。
- Broken bricks were rammed down in the trench to make a base for the concrete . 碎砖放入沟内并夯实,作为混凝土的基础。
- One day, he noticed something sprouting among the broken bricks and concrete. 一天,注意到在瓦砾和水泥块中萌发出什么东西。
- They had to step over piles of broken bricks when they went to see their new house being built. 他们去看正在建造的新房子时,他们不得不跨过一堆堆碎砖头。
- THEO: It should be "NO saxophone playing!" and "NO breaking bricks! 应该是“不许演奏演奏萨克斯管!”和“不许打碎砖头!”
- We had to step over piles of broken bricks when we went to see our new house being built. 当我们去看正在建造的新房时, 必须小心地走过一堆堆碎砖头。
- LEONA:Breaking bricks is permitted in the library?? Ha! 图书馆里允许打坏砖头?啊!
- I remember that when you repair the road leading to Zhangqiu, paving need a lot of broken bricks. 我记得修通往章丘的公路时,铺路需要很多的碎砖头。
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- Where walls are cracked or fragile, they can be repaired by replacement, swapping the broken bricks for whole ones, filling in the cracks. 对于墙体出现的裂纹及酥碱,采用挖补技术,把残缺的砖替换出来,并将裂缝填平。
- Oct.10,2006 Strokers/Workers are waving hammers to break bricks of stack from top to bottom. 2006年10月30日。工人正挥舞着铁锤从上而下拆除烟囱上的砖块。
- THEO:It should be “NO saxophone playing!” and “NO breaking bricks! 应该是“不许演奏演奏萨克斯管!”和“不许打碎砖头!”
- Experimental study on light-weight broken brick concrete 碎砖轻混凝土的试验研究
- It is home to families raising families suffering with rocks, broken bricks and mortar Leicheng the pig sty in many stocks, as if possessed by pulling pig troughs to the swill. 这里住着三四十户养猪户,用石块、破砖头垒成的猪圈里养着不少猪,猪槽里放着拉来的泔水。
- I looked painfully at the vase broken into pieces. 我痛苦地看着这个破得粉碎的花瓶。
- The broken vase lay in shatters. 那只打碎了的花瓶的碎片撒了一地。
- I cut my hand on some broken glass. 碎玻璃割伤了我的手。