- People who are afraid of law will not break law or do shady deals. 大凡畏法度者,必不肯违反法度干见不得人的勾当,
- Confucius! I don't wish that your codes impede my freedom and make me break law so as to hurt me. 孔子啊!孔子。我不希望你那些路障妨碍我的自由自在,我不希望你的那些框架让我触犯法条,伤了我的身体。
- Be disciplined and law-abiding, don't break laws and violate disciplines. 以遵纪守法为荣、以违法乱纪为耻;
- He was sent to prison for breaking laws. 他因触犯了法律而被送进了监狱。
- Be disciplined and law-abiding; don't break laws and violate discip lines. 以遵纪守法为荣,以违法乱纪为耻。
- To strengthen supervision,check and execution of actions of breaking law and regulation. 是加大监督、稽察力度,严肃处理违法违纪行为。
- You cannot break the law with impunity. 违法者必受惩罚。
- To strengthen supervision, check and execution of actions of breaking law and regulation. 七是加大监督、稽察力度,严肃处理违法违纪行为。
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- Those who break the law are subjected to justice. 违法者要受到法律制裁。
- If law and order break down, anarchy will result. 法治一垮,就会出现无政府状态。
- Inquisition by torture breaks law order greatly and damages good image of policemen in the mind of the public, which becomes one of the most severe crimes according to the direct harm to the national authorities. 刑讯逼供是对国家权威的直接伤害,它损害了警察在公众中的形象,是对法律秩序的严重破坏,它所具有的危害性是一切违法犯罪行为中最严重的一种。
- I looked painfully at the vase broken into pieces. 我痛苦地看着这个破得粉碎的花瓶。
- The broken vase lay in shatters. 那只打碎了的花瓶的碎片撒了一地。
- I cut my hand on some broken glass. 碎玻璃割伤了我的手。
- I'll be broken after making the down payment. 付了头款,我就一文不名了。
- He tried to flog me a broken TV set. 他一个劲儿向我兜售一个破电视机。
- All the ordinary government officials were experts in taking bribes and breaking laws. 一般的官员均以贪赃枉法为能。
- She'll do her nut when she sees the broken window. 她要是看见窗户破了准得气炸了。
- Poor people breaking laws of fleeing to Xiongnu area were of great number,though there were severe laws and penalties. 中原贫民违反汉禁亡入匈奴地区者大量存在,虽有严刑峻法障塞哨卡亦不能完全阻断。