- Don't let it weigh on your mind. 你不要因此背包袱。
- Be careful. Do not break your neck! 当心。别弄折了你的脖子!
- Don't clog your mind with cares. 不要因虑而变得闷闷不乐。
- He got after you to change your mind, didn't he? 他竭力劝你改变主意,不是吗?
- You'll break your neck if you fall off the roof. 你要是从屋顶上跌下来会摔死的。
- Reading good books elevates your mind. 阅读好书使人思想高尚。
- You should break your wasteful habits. 你应该改掉挥霍的习惯。
- Don't let your mind rust during the vacation. 不要让你的脑子在假期里变迟钝。
- Keep this explanation uppermost in your mind. 这个解释你定要牢记。
- Write your idea down while it's clear in your mind. 趁著还清楚的时候把你的灵感写下来。
- You must keep your mind on your work. 你必须专心工作。
- You'd better wipe the thought from your mind. 你还是打消那个念头吧。
- It is high time you made up your mind. 你该拿主意了。
- Don't break your neck on the work; you have plenty of time. 你不用那么拼命地工作;有的是时间。
- If you shall change your mind, do let me know. 万一你要改变主意,一定要告诉我。
- Do not break your neck on the work; You have plenty of time. 你不用那麽拼命地工作; 有的是时间。
- Don't let your mind wander from the main point as issue. 不要让你的思路离开争论的主题。
- What irritates me is you broke your word. 令我气愤的是你自食其言。
- Can you bring to your mind what happened on the fourth of July. 你能回想起7月4日发生什么事了吗?
- So you fell on some stairs and broke your leg, huh? 你走楼梯时摔断了腿?