- The advert below emphasise that the suspender belt and 1950s bra are in the new easy care nylon fabric, but just as pretty in a broderie anglaise style. 下面强调广告的吊带胸罩带,20世纪50年代在新的尼龙织物易护理的,但一如她在布罗德里贵妇风格。
- broderie anglaise 马德拉刺绣
- La langue anglaise est difficile?L\'anglais est difficile,mais on fait beaucoup d\'exercices. 英语难吗?英语难;但是我们做许多练习.
- Cor Anglais belongs to woodwind section. 英国管属于木管乐器。
- Oui, Je le parie couramment, je peux lire et crire en anglais. 是的;我英语说的很流利;而且我还能看英语书和用英语写东西.
- The French aristocracy then learned of these useful items from their English friends and called them "Capote Anglaise" - English Raincoats. 法国贵族后来从他们英国朋友处得知这些有用玩意,并将之称为“英国雨衣”。
- "Parlez-vous anglais ,madame ? "I mustered ,looking her way as I tossed a sock into the machine . “夫人,请问您会说英语吗?”我一边把一只袜子扔进洗衣机,一边憋出一句法语问道。
- Merci de la remplir en anglais ou en francais svp.Please fill in the sheet in english or french, thank you. 注:为确保您的信息能迅速发布,以下表格内容请用英文或法文填写,谢谢.
- Unless, of course, you're English and you enjoy the flavour the French call le gout anglais: the slightly maderized, nutty flavour of old champagne. 当然,如果你是英国人,而你又欣赏法国人称之为“英国风味”的、有轻微的马德拉酒味以及坚果味的老香槟味道又另当别论了。
- Oscar winner Jolie, 33, had the twins by caesarean section on Saturday evening at the Lenval hospital on the glamorous Promenade des Anglais waterfront drive in Nice. “奥斯卡”影后、今年33岁的茱丽于上周六晚在法国尼斯的“莱瓦尔”医院剖腹产下一对龙凤胎,孩子的父亲布拉德?皮特则是全程陪产。
- 'Go and tell the coachman to wait outside the Cafe Anglais,'said Marguerite,'we shall go as far as there on foot.' “去跟车夫讲,要他到英国咖啡馆门口等我,”玛格丽特说,“我们步行到那里去。”
- oui c est des bon jeux mais tous anglais alors je ne joue plus a sa,trop dur dur l anglais. 您正在阅读嘻哈生活,世界第一大国际社区网站!点击这里注册现在就加入我们!
- 'Go and tell the coachman to wait outside the Cafe Anglais, ' said Marguerite, 'we shall go as far as there on foot.' “去跟车夫讲,要他到英国咖啡馆门口等我,”玛格丽特说,“我们步行到那里去。”
- anglaise serge 英式花哔叽
- anglaise 土风舞
- Broderie 布罗德里
- broderie suisse 贴花刺绣
- velours broderie 仿西塞莱天鹅绒