- The issues must, however, be looked at in a broader context. 但是,这个问题必须在更大的背景下审视。
- These incidents are best understood in the broader context of developments in rural society. 在农村发展的广阔背景下会更好地理解这些事情。
- It is helpful to begin by situating the problem of incontinence within the broader context of ethical discussion regarding modern technology. 将不能自制的问题放在伦理论述中更广的语境来开始对研究是非常有帮助的。
- "I think of voyeurism in a much broader context than vicarious sexual satisfaction. 观看和探索是不需要和性相关的。
- The spokesman said such a discussion would take place within the broader context of how democracies are to deal with the dilemma posed by terrorism. 发言人还表示,此类讨论应在以民主主义如何处理由恐怖主义造成的进退两难局面的更广阔背景下进行。
- Project management exists in a broader context that includes program management, portfolio management and project management office. 项目管理处于广泛的环境之中,包括计划管理、综合行动和项目管理办公室。
- The third part puts forward a strategy of rewriting a new literary history in the broad context of world literature. 第三部分则提出一种在世界文学背景下以语言为疆界重写汉语文学史的策略。
- The article concludes by suggesting a broader context for the critical edge of queer politics: to problematize the normal rather than the heterosexual. 最后,本文讨论酷儿政略,为其界定较广的脉络,不限于反对异性恋体制,而在相对于常态化政略的警觉。
- Regulatory implications of WACS should be viewed in broader context of issues concerning energy efficiency and GHG emission reduction. 在更广大的背景下考察WACS的制度含义,即与能源效益和GHG排放减少有关的问题;
- The existence of polysemous words in Russian not only reflects such tendency but also provides broader context for the study of meaning transference of nouns. 现代俄语中大量多义词的存在既从不同侧面反映了这一趋势,又为进一步研究名词转义提供了更为广阔的天地。
- In a broader context, the results will contribute to a better understanding of the factors that control nere cell growth and the formation of functional connections. 最重要的是控制神经细胞增殖和功能联系建立的基本过程和影响因素在所有动物中是非常保守的。”
- The broad context for this ICE-Topics module is the commonsense notion that, when designing something, one should plan for the off-normal conditions that may occur. 综合化学工程专题模组的宽广背景是常识观念,当设计某件东西时,应该为一些可能发生的非常规条件作打算。
- To take full cognizance of the principle of rebirth will give us that panoramic perspective from which we can survey our lives in their broader context and total network of relationships. 对轮回原理的充分认识,将会提供全景视野,我们得以在更广阔的背景与全副的关系网络下审视人生。
- On the question of stock-taking of WIPO's cooperation, the Delegation did not believe that the exercise would be of use, within the broader context of achieving set development goals. 关于盘点WIPO的合作问题,该代表团不认为此类活动在实现既定发展目标这一大背景下有什么意义。
- In an elegant and accessible style, Mr Steinberg gives human faces and voices to fear, shame, stigma and a public health system that is failing its people, while placing it all in a broader context. 斯坦因贝格用优美而又易懂的文字,描绘了带着恐惧、羞涩、耻辱的面孔和声音,以及辜负民众期望的公共医疗体系。与此同时,他还将这一切置于更为宽广的背景之下。
- Let us all hope they may go on to appreciate the importance of good measurement in its broadest contexts in our world. 让我们他们也许赞赏好测量的重要性在它最宽广的上下文在我们的世界里的所有希望。
- The river opens out suddenly into a broad estuary. 江面忽然开阔起来,形成一个宽广的河。
- He stated his views in broad outline. 他粗略地讲了自己的观点。
- Her heavy industry rests on a broad and firm base. 它的重工业有广泛坚实的基础。
- Crime has to be studied in its social contexts. 犯罪活动得联系其社会背景来研究。