- S. enteritidis has broad host range, is one of food pollution source and causes gastric enteritis and food poisoning in domestic animal and birds and human. 因此肠炎沙门氏菌作为食品安全的污染源之一,以得到许多国家的公认。
- AAV as gene transfer vector has became a hot spot in gene therapy for eye diseases because of its safety,broad host range,low immunogenicity and long-term expression of therapeutic gene. AAV作为基因转移载体具有安全性好、宿主范围广、免疫原性低和携带的治疗基因长期表达等优势而成为眼病基因治疗研究的热点。
- Furthermore, VSV-G protein enables this system a broader host range and makes virus integration more efficient. 逆转录病毒和宿主细胞基因组的重组倾向于发生在转录活性区;
- Construction of regulatory genes in broad host range shuttle plasmid 构建同源调节基因的广谱穿梭质粒
- Extracting and comparing analysis the nucleic acid from E. Coli bacteriophage with broad host range 噬菌体宿主谱改变核酸分析研究
- broad host range 广谱宿主性, 广宿主范围
- Broad host range phage 宽噬噬菌体
- Objective;To investigate the mosquito host range of Pythium carolinianum. 目的:调查和探讨灭蚊真菌-卡地腐霉的蚊虫宿主范围。
- Host range and cross infection of cytoplasmic polyhedrosis viruses from Dendrolimus spp. 松毛虫质型多角体病毒的宿主域与交叉感染。
- Endomycorrhiza have a far more extensive host range, including most plant species common in agriculture. 内生菌根有更为广泛的寄主,包括农业上的大多数植物种。
- Title: Host range and cross infection of cytoplasmic polyhedrosis viruses from Dendrolimus spp. 关键词:松毛虫;质型多角体病毒;宿主域;交叉感染;潜伏型病毒
- These parasporal bodies have been found to vary in their geometry, and it appears that the shape is related to host range and toxin effectiveness. 人们发现这些伴胞体几何形状不同并且表现出形状与寄主的类型和毒素的效力有关。
- To do this, countries must be able to readily obtain pertinent data on pest biology, distribution, host range and potential for impact. 要这样做,各国应能容易地获得关于有害生物生物学、分布、寄主范围和潜在影响的相关数据。
- CDV infection has occurred not only in terrestrial but also in aquatic carnivores,and its host range has been developing. CDV不仅感染陆生食肉动物,而且也感染水生食肉动物,并且其宿主范围还在不断扩大。
- It is difficult to control the sclerotium disease for the short of resistance material, its wide host range, drug resistance and so on. 菌核病因缺乏野生抗性资源、自然寄主广泛、病原菌自身抗药性等原因,在防治上一直存在极大的困难。
- This paper briefly reviewed the causes of wood sapstain, the effects of wood sapstains on wood properties, predominant saptain fungi, host range, vector for sapstain transmission. 文中对木材变色的原因、木材变色对木材性质的影响、主要变色菌的种类、寄主范围、传播媒介等作了简述。
- Abstract: It is a reviews on the diagnosis ,active immunization and vaccination failure factors of canine distemper (CD),as well as host range of canine distemper virus (CDV). 摘 要: 本文对犬瘟热(CD)的诊断、预防免疫和免疫失败的影响因素及犬瘟热病毒(CDV)的宿主范围进行了综述。
- On our conjecture, Gene 3A, a highly conserved sequence, may be the determinant of the virulence of FMDV. Changes in 3A have been associated with altered host range. 我们根据已有资料推测,3A基因可能是口蹄疫病毒的毒力决定簇,它具有高度保守性,其变异和部分缺失对病毒在牛体内的致弱和宿主嗜性发生改变起重要作用。
- The river opens out suddenly into a broad estuary. 江面忽然开阔起来,形成一个宽广的河。
- He stated his views in broad outline. 他粗略地讲了自己的观点。