- british association unit 英国标准单位
- In 1900, a group of prominent Chinese leaders set up the Straits Chinese British Association. 1900年,一群杰出的华社领袖设立了“海峡英籍华人公会”。
- Last September the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) announced a plan to discover the world's funniest joke. 2001年9月,英国科学促进协会(BAAS)公布一项计画,要找出全世界最好笑的笑话。
- Zhejiang Province is the STF, the high-tech enterprises in Zhejiang Province, China Nonwovens Association unit. 是浙江省科技型中小企业、浙江省高新技术企业、中国非织造布协会会员单位。
- Our courses are available throughout the year and are accredited by BALEAP (British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes). 我们的课程在全年任何时间开课,并且取得英国学术英语讲师协会(BALEAP)的认可。
- "The hit rate was 45 percent, well above the 25 percent you would have expected," he told the annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. 在英国进步科学协会的年度大会上,谢德拉克表示:“实验者猜测结果的命中率达到45%25,远远高出我们预期的25%25。
- Professor Burland announced the results at the British Association for the Advancement of Science festival in London yesterday, only hours after they were faxed to him from Italy. 昨天,比兰教授在伦敦“英国科学促进协会”的庆祝活动上宣布了矫正比萨斜塔的结果,这些结果是几个小时前刚从意大利传真给他的。
- Nina Goad, of the British Association of Dermatologists, said: “The fashion for tanned skin is prompting young women to put their health at risk in a bid to look bronzed. 英国皮肤病协会医师说:“棕褐色皮肤的流行误导了年轻女性,一心追求古铜色的效果反把她们的健康皮肤置于危险状态”。
- The meaning of Coca Cola and associate united? 可口可乐与联想联合的意义在哪里?
- Motivation also counts: you will study more effectively if you want to make the world a better place than if you want to be rich, researchers told the British Association science festival in Exeter yesterday. 9月9日在英国科学推广协会主办的科技展中,研究人员指出,求学的动机也很重要:想改善世界的学生,学习效率比只想致富的学生好。
- Nina Goad, of the British Association of Dermatologists, says: "In general, diet has little influence on skin, though there are a few exceptions.Alcohol and spicy foods seem to make rosacea worse. 营养学家帕特里克建议我们应该控制摄入糖类食物,精炼碳水化合物(像精面面包)和油炸类食品。
- Doctors baffled by an unexplained rash on people's ears or cheeks should be on alert for a skin allergy caused by too much mobile phone use, the British Association of Dermatologists said. 英国皮肤科医师协会称,医生们在发现考试大论坛患者耳部或两颊出现无法解释其原因的皮疹时应当注意,那可能是由于过度使用手机而造成的皮肤过敏。
- British colonies were ruled by governors. 英国的殖民地由总督统治。
- American Drug Manufacturers's Association unit [医] 美国药厂协会单位(相当于斯廷博克氏单位的十分之一)
- British Association for Pediatric Otolaryngology 英国儿科耳鼻喉科学会
- American Drug Manufactures' Association unit 美国制药商协会单位
- BAS British Association of Standard 英国标准协会
- British Association of Ski Instructors 英国滑雪教练员协会
- It is a distribution centre of alloy steel pipes/tubes appointed by Sinopec, associator unit of No.1 Energy Sources Net of Petrol China Company Limited and first-degree supplier for the Group. 是中国石化股份有限公司指定的合金钢管配送中心,中国石油“能源一号网”会员单位和集团公司一级供应网络企业。
- British Association for Cancer Research 英国癌症研究协会