- bring sth into sth 使开始, 使诞生
- Bring sth into correspondence with sth 使某事与另一事保持一致
- Bringing sth into effect; starting 开始实施;开始;创始;发起
- bring sth into completion 把某事完成, 使某事趋向完善
- bring sth into public notice 使某事为公众所注意
- to bring sth into line with sth 使某物与某物一致
- Go, jump, dive, fall, etc. Suddenly and with force into sth. 纵身投入,一头进入。
- sink sth into sth 插入, 打入, 埋入, 沉入, 深入, 陷入
- of sth into sth credit for sth 荣誉, 赞扬
- the conversion of sth into sth 从某物到某物的转变
- She went to meet him with an air of expectancy,ie as if expecting him to bring sth. 她去见他时带著有所期待的神情。
- She went to meet him with an air of expectancy, ie as if expecting him to bring sth. 她去见他时带着有所期待的神情.
- to convert sth into sth [+substance] 将某物转化成某物
- Put money into sth. 投资于(某项事业)
- read sth into sth 把 ... 塞进对 ... 的理解中去; 认为 ... 有言外之意
- Boil over a b c be on the boil bring sth to the boil come to the boil off the boilShe paints with bold strokes of the brush. 她用雄健有力的笔触绘画。
- to sink sth into sth [+teeth,claws,knife,needle] 将某物插入某物
- If bring sth resembling a net,use hemostatic remedy all over blood, hemostatic quick etc OK and auxiliary hemostatic or reduce ooze blood, but cannot replace local and hemostatic. 全身使用止血药物如安络血、止血敏等可以辅助止血或减少渗血,但不能代替局部止血。
- On the other hand, DW told DC excitedly that he may start investigating into STH's illegal activites. 另一方面东旭兴奋地告诉东哲说,可能会对申泰焕的非法行为进行调查。
- A patient thinks, curative content sheds ungodliness of flooding dripping wet, should take only the blood that bring sth resembling a net, hemostatic quick it is OK to wait for hemostatic medicine. 有位病人认为,治疗药物流产后出血淋漓不净,只要服用安络血、止血敏等止血药就可以了。