- Newborn babies bring out the woman in her. 新生的婴儿唤起了她女性的特性。
- I want to bring out the meaning of the poem. 我想讲一下这首诗的意义。
- The sunshine will bring out the blossom. 阳光将使花朵开放。
- Difficulties can bring out a person's best qualities. 困难能使一个人的最好品质显示出来。
- Sometimes a difficult state of affairs can bring out a person's best qualities. 有时候困难的处境可以显示出一个人的最好的品质。
- bring out flow 诱发客流
- The company is bringing out a new sports car. 公司正在生产一种新跑车。
- She's nice but needs a lot of bringing out. 她很不错,但尚需多加克服羞怯心理。
- A new book is about to be brought out. 一本新书即将出版。
- The shop-stewards brought out the miners. 工人代表发动矿工罢工。
- They rolled their drums to bring out the villagers. 他们击鼓召唤村民。
- The author will bring out a new book this fall. 这位作家在今年秋天将会出版一本新书。
- A crisis brings out the best in her. 在紧急关头看出了她的优秀品质。
- This will help to bring out the flavour. 这可以帮助提味儿。
- He was capable of bringing out an expurgated edition of Wordsworth. 他几乎做得出出版华兹华斯作品的删改本(洁本)。
- Pressure can bring out the worst in people. 压力可以使人现出原形。
- He dipped into the bag and brought out a handful of sample wheat. 他把手伸进袋里,取出一把小麦样品。
- The enlargement brings out the details in the photograph. 照片放大后细微之处都很清楚。
- Behaviors may bring out one's character. 一个人的行为反映他的品质。
- The out flow of redundant labor from the rural sector would raise the land-labor ratio. 过剩劳动力从乡村中流出会提高土地-劳动的比率。