- A brief rebound observed during the first night after abrupt discontinuation was totally resolved the following night. 头一夜在药效突然终止后会出现失眠反弹现象,但是到第二夜,这个问题就不复存在了。
- Taking all these various factors, we believe that the market will see先扬后抑postganglionic trend, after a brief rebound in the market will return to the pattern of consolidation. 综合以上多种因素,我们认为节后市场将出现先扬后抑的走势,短暂反弹之后大盘将重归盘整格局。
- After a brief rally share fall back to a new low. 股票经过一次短暂回升后回落到一个新的低点。
- He gave us a brief introduction about his company. 他向我们简要地介绍了一下他的公司。
- The preface of this book is very brief. 这本书的序言非常简短。
- A collision followed by a rebound. 撞击弹回撞击一下再弹开
- They married after a brief courtship. 他们恋爱不久就结婚了。
- She quarrelled with Paul and then married Peter on the rebound. 她和保罗争吵后愤而嫁给了彼得。
- I treated the subject in brief outline. 我简单地概述了那个问题。
- A brief, indefinite interval of time. 瞬间一个短暂的、不确定的时间间隔
- His courageous words took his depressed supporters on the rebound. 他的言词颇有胆量,鼓舞了那些本已垂头丧气的支持者。
- A brief, apt, and cogent expression. 简洁的语句,警句简洁贴切且令人信服的表达
- He drew up a brief for his speech. 他起草了一份讲话的摘要。
- Please be brief because I am in a hurry. 我有急事,请长话短说。
- He arose and made a brief speech. 他站起身来作了一个简短的演讲。
- I'll make a brief visit to Paris. 我将去巴黎作短时间的访问。
- Light will rebound from a shiny surface. 光遇到发亮的表面会反射回来。
- The mastermind behind the scheme is executed after a brief trial. 阴谋的幕后策划者经过简短审讯便被处决了。
- He will stop over at Shanghai for a brief visit on his way home. 在回国途中,他将在上海停留,作短期访问。
- His evil doings will rebound upon himself. 他干坏事将受到报应。