- Put your money into bricks and mortar. 用你的钱去买房子吧。
- He was utter egoist of bricks and mortar. 他是一个彻头彻尾,顽固不化的自私的人。
- A home isn't just bricks and mortar. 家不只是一所房产。
- People always used to tell me: put your money in bricks and mortar, there is nothing safer. So I bought my house. 人们过去总是这么告诫我:把钱用在购置房屋上吧,没有比这更保险的了。所以我买下了房子。
- We now need funding to turn the plans into bricks and mortar. 我们现在需要资金将这些计划变为实实在在的大楼。
- Do grades of bricks and mortar meet the specification? 砖和砂浆的标号符合规范吗?
- The time and sweat that we put in everyday into our tasks is the brick and mortar of our future. 我们每天为完成任务所花的时间和所流的汗水就是建筑我们未来的一砖一瓦。
- First, traditional retailing involves selling a book through a brick and mortar retailer (e.g. a mall bookstore). 第一,传统零售意味著卖书经由实体零售店(例如:书店购物中心)。
- The grey brick and mortar walls, so distinctly Chinese and so beautiful, are being demolished; the old neighborhoods they encircle and the narrow alleys they delimit torn down. 非常美丽、式的灰砖白粉墙,正在被拆除;被划在界定线以内的旧城区要被推倒。
- Companies are recognizing that success will go to those who develop brick and mortar enterprises separate from their website presence. 公司认识到,成功将前往那些开发砖和迫击炮企业分开,在他们的网站上存在。
- They made their le ves bitter with hard labor in brick and mortar wnd with all kinds of_ork in the fields;in all their hard labor the Egyptians used them ruthlessly. 14使他们因作苦工觉得命苦,无论是和泥,是做砖,是作田间各样的工,在一切的工上都严严地待他们。
- They made their lives bitter with hard labor in brick and mortar and with all kinds of work in the fields;in all their hard labor the Egyptians used them ruthlessly. 使他们因作苦工觉得命苦、无论是和泥、是做砖、是作田间各样的工、在一切的工上都严严的待他们。
- The results show that multifunction concrete hollow brick with doublebank interleave blind holes causes to enhance the area of cohesion between brick and mortar and enlarge the shear area. 试验结果表明:多功能砌块采用了双排交错盲孔的孔型设计,提高了砌块和砂浆的有效粘结面积,大大增加了砌体剪切面积;砂浆的销栓作用有效的提高了砌体的抗剪强度;
- Brigsome's Terrace was perhaps one of the most dismal blocks of building that was ever composed of brick and mortar since the first mason plied his trowel and the first architect drew his plan. 布里格森姆坊,也许是自从第一个泥瓦匠挥舞他的泥刀以来、第一个建筑师作出他的设计以来,用砖头和灰泥盖成的最糟糕的建筑小区了。
- He did so hard, and this is his entitlement. buy bricks and mortar than cars! 刚刚度过廿一岁生辰的他,莫非以豪宅当为送给自己的生日礼物?
- People always used to tell me: put your money in bricks and mortar,there is nothing safer. So I bought my house. 人们过去总是这么告诫我:把钱用在购置房屋上吧,没有比这更保险的了。所以我买下了房子。
- People always used to tell me: put your money in bricks and mortar,there's nothing safer. So I bought my house. 人们总是对我说:把钱投到房产上,没有什么比房产更保险的了。因此,我买下了房子。
- You might as well erect a house without bricks and mortar as try to get on in life with out education. 不受教育就想立万,就象没有砖和灰泥来建造房子一样。
- You might as well erect a house without bricks and mortar as try to get on in life without education. 不受教育而想立身处世,就像没有砖和灰泥来建造房子一样。
- The police faced a mob throw brick and petrol bomb. 警察面对著一群投掷砖块和汽油弹的暴民。